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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/517

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494 SIXTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 360-363. 1912. V°i·“»P·°*· entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approve March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. “""‘°‘““" S10. 2. That iélée right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·expre8Sly reserv . Approved, August 24. 1912. A¤gust24,1912. CHAP. 881.-—An Act To authorize the con¤truc&•lh_ol a bridge across the Mishis. vm.) sippi River at the town site of Sartell, Minnesota. » ‘ mum` N0. ml] S Be itingcted by the Sjenate and House? gf£res es cy t;zgUnitf _ fateso mericain ongressass _ the eo arte

¤*•Y in the county of Stearns and State of Minnesota, a munilcgpal corpora;

tion organized imder the laws of the State of Minnesota, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate abridge and apgroaches thereto across the Mississuppx River,__at a point suitable to the inter- _ esta of navigation, at the town site 9fi%Sirtell, Stearns County, Minv¤1.s4,;tu. nesota, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regilate the construction of bridies over navigable waters," apgroved arch twenty=third, nineteen and six. Amsaemem. mc. 2. That glae right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserv . - · Approved, August 24, 1912. _ i . .——An A ‘ ' l ····,gg·,¢,;,g=•¤— ..°§¥»£°3... p0a&$£’£`$°$e°°£;.“’&°H3*c?ty'?¥.‘?‘Ee"’..°·Zt%§.°{.‘§?” [P°”“°·}‘°· "’°·] Be it enacted by the Senate and H ousljgf Represen¢at§ves fifthe United memlwt mw, States of Ammon in Congress assemb _ , That the c1ty o Lewiston, dlfgrmugvégléhwd Idaho, or the State of Idaho, or the c1t_y;of Lewiston-m con`unction I “"’ with the State.of Idaho, or any subdwnsion of the State of idaho, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Qlearwater River at a point suitable to the mterests of navigation withm the corporate limits of the said city of Lewiston, in the county of Nez Perce, in the State of Idaho, var s4,p.s4. in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "A.n Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. ‘ ammamm. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, August 24, 1912.

 °tm¤.§A;‘ll:; At¥1t;,1I;;> :lhe Union Pacific Railroad Company to con—

Be it enactedfry the Senate and House of Representatives eg the United

 Stat:sCvfAmerw¤ wc Cimyress assembled, That the Union acifc Rail.

¤¤a.c¤mp•¤v my roa ompany a corporation organized and existin d th 1 ""°•*~·°“"* "°°‘· of as sms ashun, and its assigns, bs, and at is 1.eie`i;»,(ifum21a;:'é to construct ma111ta1.n, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto

 tl? l&1$$0U}E1RlY:Y K; 6 pg-Lib suitib e to the interests of navié

aona ornear ecx 0 , t, t, {D ] ‘ th "°’·“·"“‘ State of Nebraska, in iiccordlilncg with ‘ili:emnr¢i'vi(;;ion(siu¢§f8&thbuAci entitled ‘fAn Act to regulate the construction oflbridges over navigable Almdant waters," afplrgoved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. t the right to alter, amend. or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. . Approved, August 24, 1912.