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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/580

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-1. 389. 1912. A 557 except when transferred to mother line: Provided however That *"’°"•°· pecause of ttlhe rgglfessiiplation no clérk shall ieceive d¤ii>:d.-hn wbm N esssaryan oreeass 0 ct.Allwsand ,,,,1,,, ""°’ laws in c0nHict herewith ar}; heigh repealed. Puts of Sec. 8. That hereafter fourth-clliss mail matter shall embrace all other matter including farm and factory oducts, not new embraced s i:. by law in either the first, second, or third):-zlass, not exceeding eleven "°""" °°°‘ pounds m weight, nor greater in size than seventy-two inches in ength and gir combined, nor in form or kind likely to injure the person of any postal employee or damage the mail equipment or other mail matter and not of a c aracter hable within a period reasonabllyiliéequired for transportation ang delivery. t for the_purposes of this section the United States and its u:_gfd¤lm•°¤`•¤ ¤¤l*>- several Territories and possessions, excepting the Philippine Islands usa ` shall be divided mto units of area thirt& minutes square, identical

 a quarter of the area formed by e intersecting parallels of

latitude and meridians of longitude, represented on appropriate postal maps or plans, and such units of area shall be the basis of eigllilt postal zones as follows: e first zone shall include all territo within such quadrangle, in ""'"°"°‘ conjunction with every contiguous quafliyangle re resenting an area having a mean radial distance of approximately filfty miles from the center of any given unit of area. ~ The second zone shall include all units of area outside the first °°°°“°‘°"°‘ zone lying in whole or in part within a radius of approximately one hundred and fifty miles from the center of a given unit of area. fl‘he_third zone shall include all units of area outside the second zone °“""° "’°°· lyinguml whole or in part within a_radius_of approximately three hun miles from the center of zlgiven umt of area. _ The fourth zone shall include umts of area outside the third F°"’°"°“* zone lying in whole or in part within a radius of approximately six hundred miles from the center of a given umt of area. 'l‘he fifth zone shall include all units of area outside the fourth zone ”'“"°“?* lying in whole or in part within a radius of approximately one thousand miles from the center of a given unit of area. _ The sixth zone shall include all units of area outside the fifth zone ”"“"°‘* lying in whole or in part within a radius of approximately one thou- . san four hundred miles from the center of a given un1t_ of area. _ The seventh zone shall include all units of area outside the sixth ’°'°"'·"'°°°· zone lying in whole or in part within a radius of approxunatelfy one thousand eiglht hundred miles from the center of a given umt 0 area. The eight zone shall include all units of area outside the seventh ¤¤"‘""°“· ’°*i~‘i;.t a · · · me ········~ e rate of posgie on fourth·class matter weighing not more than four ounces s be one cent for each ounce or fraction of an 0unce· and on such matter in excem of four ounces in weight the rate shall be by the (pound, as heremafter provided, the postage in all cases to be prepai by distinctive postage stamps amxed. an That except as {provided m the next preceding postage °°u"" on matter o the ourth class shall be girepaid at e fo owix rates: ru md G hu On all matter mailed at the post 0 ce from which a_ru route wma. starts, for delivery on such r0ute,_or mailed at any tpomt on such route for delivery at any other point thereon, or at _ e office from which the route starts or on any rural route starting Jilwrefroin, and on all matter at a city carrier omce, or at any pomt within its delive? limits for delivery by camera from that oice, or at any office for ocal delivery, five cents for_the first pound or tion of a sound and one cent for each additional pound or fraction 0 5 1111 . . . n nhs Foliodelivery within the first zone, except as provided in the next I nm preceding paragraph, five cents for the first pound or fraction of a