558 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Srss. IL Ch. 389. 1912. poung and three cents for each additional pound or fraction of a lm . 4
- “'°°°‘“"°"°· P0For within the second zone, six cents for the Erst pound
or fraction o a pound and four cents for each additional pound or fraction of a pound._ _ · ""‘*"’ ’°"°· For dehveiiy withm the third zone, seven cents for the first pound plrwfxéictiop o a pgnmd and five cents for each additional pound or on o a nm . I’* ‘°°’°* ’°'*°· For deliver?) within the fourth zone, eight cents fq1·_ths first pound g·cfI::tl0;l o a pgnmd and six cents·for each additional pound or n o a poum . I”“°**”¤°- Fordeliverywithin thefifthzone nineoentsf theiirstpound fraction of a pound and seven cents for each sdditional pound gi mdxmlm- _ fraction of a _ M,F·~* :°.12“*.z,‘.,:‘.#*.*{**:·;...‘;‘··,s=:*;,.*tztt·· mmtszatqrmhn umd 0* a e or po or raction of a und. · ‘ 1°*'°“”°'*°· For dagger! within the seventh zone, eleven cents for the first ppnmd or) $20; cfu al pound and ten cents for each additional pound ‘¤,$*'·,¤·•¤° For delivery within the eighth non d between th Phili ' M Islands any portion of the United°Sat¥tes, includingei.he,D1'gi)1iilc2 of Columbia and the several Territories and pomessions` twelve cents for the first pound or fraction of a pound and twelve dents for each additional pound or fraction of a. pound. , ...E’:;i‘,**.,.,•¤°!**··•¤*~ me the Postmaster General shan made met special mm, maps stamps, directories, and printed instruction as may necessu mm ‘ sary for the administration of this and for the purposes of
- ,,,,,$,,_,,, ,§"’,,, ui
- this section, and to sugpiiement existing apkpropriations, including
· MM- the hmng of teams and vers, there ns ere y appropriated, out o any mgneplrrioni the notdoghplrwise appropriated, the sum of seven un an usau o ans. c1{‘.]’,§g'€.E,','§f'}§,,‘{,{ The classification ogarticles mailable as well as the weight limit, ·¤¤—· ¤·¤¤•¤==· thelratgsiigfpoztzgeihmiie oxglonz axéducftpslr scppgigixogs of mailability un er c e os as r e gxpo · mage; or sgiy of ttgem are smgli as tg przlyent thd);;hi‘pmeIin‘i.mdi' esira e or _ permanen yren er t t ’ Comm or meh greater than receisfs of the revenue the1;f:•?;1,0he is hiarrgiig; .n...-.t. nm. sqthprrzed. ¤nbJ¤¢t yo _ e consent of the Interstate Commerce Com- ¤¤¤-¤·>¤· mission after mvestigation, to reform from time to time such classification, weight 1111:.131 rates,_ zone or zones or conditions, or either, it $.§$§§u‘2}§§Y.1“§J§t ¤§.$?"‘£3 “’ °’2§ £§“"’° Qi “’ ‘““££° ““° '°°°i*" ce ua a ,{f’}¥§},‘1L.’°' '°°‘· _ The lfcstmaster General shalleiigake progision gi:-segn1::?§;f{o; the GJHQQOIIUII dcliw ludemlun h f f • • . ery for shippers. or Otherwise 0:;:; _0r ShJPm€Dh IIlilUI'6(! 0[‘1()9f,, insurance tage and ,pricd di teiiia articlehiiirptgd ciixi!a$u0ncl)1uli1chvc!'y of the . su c a sen mv`: me g2;{\h9°€;$¤\’y to PBY H10 cost of such udditionj services, rgcs as may wagon ...· mn. mut8¤m3¤tm¤s¢:rwGm:1rs(-}01nnt:‘¥·c trgaqgst tl? compensation of nm "§·¢{·°*m um-md ’°8“1*· of *110 P¤1'<>¢l Et System th? w 1°t”t¥`£i§i tnlxilalhthat as E m§,`Z,‘Y°""°' ‘° dm" them has been materially increasechmgefore siich rgadlilnigigiedg !§g:31g,;yd:ut:i1leg must be kept as to the amount oi businesd _ _ u or screen wagon co tracto bef d after this section becomes effective for such alineriodlzs toodiexly demonstrate the amount of the increase and that such increase ' ggtyglgilb of the mails was due to the adoption of the parcel peg: "‘ "°°‘ ’““"" ‘· That- the egtnb|m|;m° . nn:. t _ ent of 4 . · nn go me nm Jaw, ns“‘2'}°§£2`nJ.1°i°t2.i£m’3‘$é’€£tr*"‘t;t“£?“°“