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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/582

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sixTY-smcomy c0NGsEss. sm I1. 011.389. IQI2. 559 ThatthisActshal1ntinan all tth te eds, gttgséfgab., mogkhopé 3;‘5“5Lm€;§ as E£.§°3‘£§°£;s0%“2§; of °“` e os ws an egu a ons. _ That for the purpose of a further inquiry into the subject of the ¤#.’$l¤g•Y”¤¥?•¥¤?»211 general parcel post and all related subjects a joint committee of six §gy,}x{°•‘· ·*°··°¤¤· £1.?§°°1»k“ %£§“5Z`}"s{f s°§§?.l1J’1"t;°§*1}"‘f3.“§h“”p°.kerb° Z¥‘li’i"§d by e e ouse · of Representatives is constituted, witl1 gill power to (appoint clerks, stenographers, and experts to assist them in this w That the Postmaster General and the Inteistate Commerce Commission shall furnish such data and otherwise render such assistance to the said A M mm1 o - v ou- · ¥$lm'“yt:g”t?f¤“.¤T¤m°’ss”%E’$‘Z0°‘ '*w.£‘ }‘h&n%‘€"‘?s“e°ti.d°' %§‘i"“ ig; sand ollars is ereby applisfriated out of 'moneils in the Treasury not otherwise appropma. . The committee report fully to- K¤>¤¤· Cop? at the earliest date possible. _ _ t all laws and parts of laws inconihctwith thepmvisionsof this ,,£]°,;',§'_’°““' I"' '°' mc. . une nme undred ve , 'Z “°‘s“°“ 3’°Ti1i'€‘I.’§t2°;°§“]°d‘eut¤* · tt, · es. t me we ¤»····-···=····=·¤ expersmigaj) mail aeuvxmj be esabuepeea, we meg gii ‘°`"""‘° '“ ti tmaster ma resui m wins am ° ha):1!n;8po;oc£oesof thesecondq1¥5nirdclashthatarenotby w now entitled to tree delivery service, and the sum of one hundred ¤¤¤¤¤*— thoupandhglollars 18 hembylaizpprtczpnated tam enable ilposigasters to em o necessari assis ce er su villages and)tll-e amountto expendedat anyodioeshallmtexceedond ¤¤·**— thousand eight hundred dollars a year. rm.: amp ds S5,°;1i°‘ }‘°‘ “‘° §‘$“m.sy°‘ ‘°“' *‘%' °"°”§»’§»“r’}»t‘}»?1"$’¤?E.¤°§’» °°$¥°»¥’·`*—`·— ···· ····~ ma n , is a ., _ __ I!-1;l¢:!1¤Y glmghggi notfotheralise ap§·e¥1¥ia1;e4% to quiz}: the E}. 5..,°§~°,.,,}’.?{,{"'° . mue e es hshmen mam ance, modtrgzlietglsion Ib? ostalcgzvings de `tories, including the reimbursement of the gecretary of the 'Figasury for expenses incident to the preparation, issue, registraticip ogrlgie bang; a1;)th 1:3f;:».mv. b th fJ tw t , teen un an : r 0 ,, . That butcbgsugggumegnymomlllggt to exceed ten thousand dollars ¤¤l:im I ce ml of may be expended for the rental, if necessary of guarters for the céentrailnpilhce of the Postal Systemdlip the oftslognam- mmm; www ` g ° 8. 0 BD. \]1'$ 0 OB V- idgs System shall be apdited gz th§pAudit0r for the Post Offico pumum or or- Detslsrtrnents Ami promdedhgu cr, That the _Poetmaster General ¤¤¤v¤¤¤•¤¤¤- °’° °°‘3°° ‘“"* "°°‘§’“‘° 3 T3 °€°‘p°§f.€'S‘.i‘51“¤?.‘°1h‘§’c*3?;.$ vings 'to 0 ces an s a e Zion of sdpclimsugrintencllerflts, inspectors, and otheg emplctjyeestgs wm , su rvis , an direc m e lixlnezg dl suclirdlIilc1:se:=0ii11cl`:1(%d111l1g? the lecmdpldylges of a centralgoflice at Washington, District of Columbia, an shall prescribe hours during wlnch postal savmgs depository offices shall remain open. kg_,_m,, ,0, dg He s ell also rom tune to t1me_ make rules and regulations with me ·m·¤¤·w·¤•. respect to the deposits m and withdrawi)al)s0g moneis {rhom savmgs deposntones the issue of pass _ or suthdlou 458 evrqehes v°,_$_p_m_ as he may adapt as evidence of such deposits or W1_ w . e provisions of e Act ajépgoved Jnme twent%fifth, nmeteen hundred Bmw mm, and ten, are hereby m ed accordmgbg e unexended balance prlnwd- _ of the a pro 1-iation for the Esoal year nineteen hun ed anu twelve vom' Mw of five hundred thousa.ud_ dollars made by section live of the Ag approved Marchjourth, mneteen huncgded uid egelven, {pir gre savings system, is hereby reappropna _ an m 51 av a e urmg the fiscal year nmeteen undred and thirteen for e purposes men tioned in this section.