Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/656

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 17-19. 1912. 633 0. 17. Joint Rswlution Authonzmg` the Seem of War to loan certain' A fil @.1912 forD:heus¢!of theGr·ui¢lA¤nyof theRepublic t,tobeheldat Wadungton, m June, nmeteen hundred and twelve. [rut. nes. xo. a.] Reeolvedbgt7•eSenat¢a¢ndHoueeo of t7•e United Statee3;fAmeriea in Gnmgrees a••emb&, _ the Secretary of War ng$nl°n°ie."¤°°“h° be, an_ is herelgé authorized to loan at his discretion, to the general ,,,}°?, °‘ ""“· :**3 committee of Grand Army_ of the Republic encampment, to be P¤¤¤·¤· ww held st Pullman, Washington, in the month of Jnme, nmeteen hundred and twelve, such tents, with ridges, and pins, ,,,,,,,, as magobe required at said encampment; That no expense N0 •¤v¤···· M shall caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said property, same to be delivered to said committee designated at such tunetprnor to the holding of said encampment as maybeagreeduponby eSecretaryofWsrandA. B. Baker chair- II M mlm man of said general comm1tteegAnd providedfurther, That the Seo- ¤••¤m.•a¤. rotary of War shall before delivering such propgrty take from said A. B. gasped and sufficient bond for t safe return of said ang? order and condition, and the whole without expense Approved, Apri] 22, 1912. s. 18. Jem Resolution mauve to the nnunslq et www le on *"“'°·""· mlgsssppi River me as ¤-num-aa '°°° M Resobved by the Senate and House 0 of the United States of America in Congress aeeemblperd, the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to rebuild, by contract :§;_.,§";,_'“°'“'“' or otherwise, in accordance with such (glam, recommendations of the Mississippi River mmission as may approved by the Chief of Engineers, such portions of the levees on the sip]: River and its tributari ee as may have been or may hereafter be bro en by the existing flood in said rivers, or so materially weakened as to necessitate rebui ding, and the sum of one million hve hundred """°""“°"· thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessarriy, is hereby appropriated for thiposurppx out of any money in the reasury not F otherwise appropria : {ded, That the Secretary of War shall ruzesésucnenen keep an account of the actual cost of all work done under the provi- """"""" sions of this resolution, and upon completion of the work he shall »¤•··.»-vn report the total cost thereof to the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secrerggy of the Treasury shall cause a sum e•.Lual to the cost so repo to be deducted from the ap&ropriations t at shall first hereafter be made for improving the ississippic River from llead of Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, and to carried to the snrplu fund and covered into the Treasury. Approved, April 30, 1912. se. is. Jem newness · m mum rm- the mu of mama from ¤i'.?Y¤iJT5. fkiodn in the Iilidppi and O P Resolved the»S’enate¤ndH'ouaeo oft}ae United md, md States of in Gmgreea aseerndid. t there is appropriated, uopde zum 0: out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appmgnated, the Nrigfymum following sums for the relief of sufferers from floods in the ` 'ppi and Ohio Valleys, namely: wan Dnraxmnur. "" ”°|"·"'°°"‘· Under the Qpartermaster General: For providing tents and other "" necessary supp `es and services and for reimbursement of the several *"°"~ P~ °"~ appropriations of the Qnartermemtefs Department, United States