Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/657

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634 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rza. 19, 21, 22. 1912. · Am high temporary relief has already been or may be aifordisd,£rii>lxrir‘l1nndre<:i and ttvgothonsand one hundred and seventy- ° ”"”°` “"{?..l%*}1'§.%Ll.§L‘¤‘3;I..§°é‘Z£.a¤. Fa was me ...4 t. be issued M °'“°` b the Commissary Department and for reimbursement of app;·¢¥>r1a· tihns for subsistence of the Arm from which temporary re e has already been or may be afordedl eight hundred and thu·ty-seven thousand dollars. Approved, May 9, 1912. ¥·¤¤·1°*- · I · ‘ ‘ ton deticisncissinths ru i¤=·¤·9·1 [Ne 31-1 ·'¤¤·* R¤•=21°*'°° hwg °"’”°p°°°°m a nigh fRe me mb. li. ¤·» el ?5;”r‘§ &’;1r..¤““”r$.¤d..d°"°“m°‘é’i¤.”}éfv$’Y“.3§°r2¥..¤.s“p'3J§J’ “’°°” "°° Resolved the»S'eaat¢a1•dHouaeo Re&·e.ve1stat·iveso the United pa‘°ai:¤l°°°l`°° mm. States of A1r?rica in Uvngrese assembled, t the followiiigsums are appropriated, out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise appropnated, to supply urgent detiieneies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, namely: sam SENATE. ruamgneasna. For foldhx speeches and pamphlets, at a rate_ not exceeding one dollar per ousand, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three thousand dollars. ..E‘*.'L"°"*··*···*· _ nousn or nnrnrisaurirrvns ’"”f,,°‘,,,"‘,,,“,°,‘;§' For miscellaneous items and enses of special and select comizgvlwgmimu dmittees exclusive of salaries anccligabor, unless specifically ordered by the llouse of Representatives, $55,000. _ “““°"°"’· For stationery for gd the Iéguse of Represent¢§at}1vesti1Dsletes fro Territories an ent mmissioners, an or e use gil the cozmittees and officers of the House, $1,000. mom; l|>•¤¤h¤. _F¢;;6ip%l5n;gdpB;:1ee:ih(;as, to contiéugogvailable during the iiscal year _ nine thirteen, , . Uummumm UNITED STATES COURTS. ""°°"’°°* Fees of witnesses, United States courts: For fees of witnesses and for payment of the actual exggnses of witnesses, as provided by seetion eight hundred and fifty, evised Statutes of the United States, $90,000. ’"’°°"‘“°°“‘· For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney General, for the United States courts and their §",§‘,'{· officers, $50,000: Provided, That in so far as it may be deemed necessary by the Attornpg General, this appropriation shall be available for such expenses m e District of Alaska. Approved, May 30, 1912. June 4 1912. · - . . _ · _ . [N . 22.] I Resol T tho ftheru ‘

 cmpgmy s¤q°iiii sponlilgxna iiriien Udliuiiil>(iadl§ilivat1;·&C€•¥n?;dn§0m me mlliiiiigi

[P¤ · ·· ¤· I their conflicting or rights ot way across the Colville Indian Reservation, in the

ggiigshuigmp, in tl: Sgm Pcgll River Valley, to readjust their respective locations

..,%.1 sgi.: .`{“w’Q,? ¤£»%‘.§`g». §.t§".‘l.¤§"- §’?.§‘i§h “‘““?‘€§ "" E?¤“"°" Wh °°‘“‘”*“" -“” and direct the Secretary of the lnteribi to ; sights olimwaagrlo do to mumnzc . Resolved by the Senate and House R ` Colville mam nes. _ _ 0 e mm: fiw U ged °"..::,`*'.:*?··r 02 i{§'5‘$.'§¥/é1.Y£$»Y£§@ ’£‘.h0”””°8§t“`?8“m&;‘1’ °hi;v§';{” N°’“71l°’° ' rig ¤ o way _ _ _ , OSB I' 0 W f, ° "*$g'{_¥§6_ p_ m Colville Indian Reservation,l%State of £lz’ah1l1in§mii;u as (tile? liiigdl Idghlfexi by the Wasnmgton Improvement and Development Company and