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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/708

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Cn, 84. 1913. 685 east half of tho_southwest quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of section nineteen; the northwest uarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty; lots one, two three, and four, the west half of the northeast quarter the east half of the northwest uarter, and the east half of the southwest uarter of section thirty; (lot one the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast Euarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, in township _south, range sixty-eight west of the sixth principal meridian. Lot six of section four; lots one two, three, and four the south half of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter oi the southeast quarter of section nine; the south half of the northeast quarter the south half of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, and the north half of the southeast quarter of section ten; the south half of the southeast quarter, and the northeast uarter of the southeast · quarter of section fourteen; the north half o? the northwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section fifteenlot two, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, the south hali of the southeast quarter, and the northwest uartar of the southeast egarter of SBCUOD. twentgntwo; the east half di the northeast quarter, e southwest quarter o the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the south half of section twenty-three; the north half of the north half, the southwest uarter of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter the west half of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of, the southeast quarter of section twenty-six; the north half of the northeast uarter, the southwest ` quarter of the northeast quarter, and the southqhalf of section twenty- seyen, in township fourteen south, range sixty-eight west of the sixth principal meridian. The southeast quarter of the southwest uartor of section ten; the south half of the northeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of section thirteen; the northeast quarter of the southwest puarter, and the southeast Elparter of the southeast quarter of section ourteen; the west half of e northeast quarter, and the north half of the southwest quarter of section fifteen; the west half of tho northeast quarter, the west half of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty-one; the northeast quarter, the east half of the northwest quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter the south half of the northwest quarter of the southwest guarter, ami the southeast quarter of section twenty-two; all of sections twangthree and twenty-four; the northeast quarter, the east half of e northwest quarter, and the south half of section twenty-five; the west half of the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter, and the south half of section twenty-six; all of section twenty-seven; the north half of the northeast quarter, the west half aud the south half of the southeast quarter of section thirtfwfive; the_north h_alf of the_ northeast quarter, and the west half o section tlurty-six, in township thirteen south, range sixty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian. The west half (or lots three and four, the south of the northwest uarter, and the southwest quarter) of section one; and the northtlialf of the northeast quarter (or lots one and two) of section two, in township fourteen south, range sixty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, containing ten thousand one hundred and thirty- one and twenty-three hundredths acres, more or less. _ mm m Sec. 2, That the public lands withan the Pnke National Forest, situ- Mmm, "’°‘,,,, "°,,,,,, ated in the counties of El Paso and Teller, Colorado, hereinafter ¤°P¤lY· dcscribed, are hereby reserved from all forms of location or entry and set aside as a municipal watensupply reserve for the benefit of the town of Manitou, a municipal corporaiuon of the State of Colorado: