686 SIXTY·SEOOND CONGRESS. Sus. IH. Ch. 84. 1913. D¢¤I¢i¤· Int f th mum h<:I¤{%f 31 gognothaost quarter of the southwegt quarter, and the u eastqunrterofseet.1onthirt -o · th ha.; eg! the southwest quarter, the south half of the sguthlgest 6 zh:-nth an e northeast uarter of the southeast um . *1 _ ry two· the south ha:} of the northeast uartgrl th ofswmm - orth stoglthtzugstt sind the east hqlf og the southeast quiz}: gg S6; Ufifty-fiv; in tew§ g thkuooenm thmg`f°°r; th? mt im of Swtion
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- 1 onzcdmto prescribe md mjorée such ,€g“y’8?;°)’ h° is h°'°bY
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th: Pmetéén hundred and mn . “q]P*`°V€d June twenty. P**8° elght hundred me wwwa) Y"“‘* Smvtes at Lergi