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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/716

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SIX’1`Y—SECX)ND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1913. 693 INTERNATIONAL ononnrrc ASSOGIATICN mon THE MEASUREMENT or THE EARTH. To enable the Government of the United States to pay, through I“°"“‘“°,,,,,d,”‘l,,,,,,°°°' the American Embassgaat Berlin, its quota as an adhering member dmc ` ‘of the International detic Association for the Measurement of the Earth, $1,500. . . PAN AMERICAN UNION. Pan American Union, $75,000:_Promkled, That any moneys received uga: M¤•¤‘i¢•¤ from the other American Republics for the support of the union shall 1~mkm. be (paid into the Treasury as a credit, in addition to the appropriation, ,,%’§,_°* "‘°“°" "' an may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the §acretary of State for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the union: And pro- ` vided further, hat the Public Printer be, and he is hereby, authorized **°¤'·NY !*°“°“¤· to prmt an edition of the Monthly Bulletin, not to exceed six thousand ` copies per month, for distribution by the union during the Escal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU 01-* mn PERMANENT c0UR•r or ARBITBATION. To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the ca1en— I¤*°¤**¤°¤** B¤· dar gear nineteen hundred and twelve of the Intemational Bureau of i:i°»$i1eb1IAii»i'°¤:fa$:i the ermanent Court of Arbitration, created under article twent — v°L¤’*""°°‘ two of the convention concluded at The Hague, Jul twentyminti., · eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, $1,250. BUREAU OF INTRRPABLIAMENTARY UNION Fon PROMOTION or I1&TER— NATIONAL ARBITRATION. ~ For the contribution of the United States toward the maintenance Un‘§f:’Pg“;:,°;zg of the Interparliamentar£ Union for the Promotion of International Armuauen. Arbitration at Brussels, elgium, $2,500. INTERIIATIONAL INSTITUTE or AGRICULTURE. For the payment of the quota of the United States for the support ””°’¤•“°“*l !¤•“· of the International Institute of Agriculture for the calendar year mir°¤ii‘£€iidiim°` nineteen hundred and fourteen, $4,800; _ For salary of one member of the ipermanent committee_0f the "§k°:•°*,;m!f °•¤· International Institute of Agriculture or the calendar year mneteen hundred and fourteen $3,600. _ T I I For the payment of the quota of the United States for the coat of uc,§f,‘{,[ " "' ’“‘” translating into and rinting in the English language the publications of the International [institute of Agriculture at Rome, $5,000. INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY ocmonzss. To pay the quota of the United States as an adhering member of ,,:‘}%,,",§{°$,'¥‘I Rm} the International Railway Congress for the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $400. INTERNATIONAL SANITARY BUREAU. For the annual share of the United States for the maintenance of B"` the International Sanitary Bureau for the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $2,830.79.