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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/715

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692 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1913. 1ITiA'l'IONAL muse mos runuonxox or onerous ranmws. I¤¤¤r¤•¤¤¤•l· T I|lB6tlZl108lll!0dulB`UDl¢BdSllllHlDt¤l1lIDDU&lBX¥8¤S0fof °°$»gl,I:nTa°g· thegvear ending March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and ourteen, of sustaining the international bureau at Brussels for the translation anglpnblication customs this apgropnation to be av ’ able on April first nmeteen h and _ ,~ pursuant to convention proclaimed lDec¤mb¤ seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety. mrnnnanonar. (warn) nnuimnr connnssron, mmm: suns '¤·==, *¢•g°:g;_{ To enable the commission to cimtinue its work under the treaties nn. of eightem hundred and eightrfour, eighteen hundred and eightyg ,,_v;_*,§{;_’· mi v°'· nine, and nineteen hundred an five, $25,000. _ nounnanr Lum, Ausxa arm emma, arm rn murm sums arm camna. alygggqz Aki- To enable the Secretary of State to mark the boundary and make vca.¤.p.un. the surveys incidental thmeto between the Territory of Alaska and the Dommwn of Crux in conformity with the award of the Alaskan Boundary Trihuhal existing treaties, including employment at. the seat of government of such surveyors, ccmgutms draftsmm, and


_ Gmnwttwn umnut o April eleven voummu States and Great nam, watu·"boundary' bet `thU`ted States and the Dominion of Canada, in estahlisheviloijlnderoexilzlxting treaties, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, mcluding em at the seat of government of such surveyors computers, tsmen and clerks as are n to reduce field notes, $09,000 toapthn the unexpended bxlance of previous appropriations for cse obgects. · mrzaxanciur. manu xr nnussnns ms nmmmssxou or rm: amour suvn TRADE. Buren 1 r • • ° ’·°§{}* Tomeettheshare0ftheU tedStatee th xpmses fth ' -1‘$;?luM:°;: H ° bureau crested by article eigllilty-two of tlllie glixlliral act gonchxilzlmg ` ‘ ‘ ‘ Brussels July seccnd}J€§hteen hundred and ninet , for the repression of the African slave e and the restriction of ie importation into and sale m a certain defined zone of the African Continent of firearms ammunition and epirituous liquors for th teen h dred y , G yB&I' HIDE un and fourteen, $125. ’ IN'l'ERNA'I'IONAL Pinson commission. In·Qn•¤ona1Prl¢¤ For suhscup' tie f the U `ted St ‘ °°‘“‘““"°“ 2;..*: *`*;:¤m°°';mm°i·t°:,Z3,?*izQ`éii1¤¤m*"i?'i¤b°¤;·¥·’f r 0 0 T8 , 2 _ mg;_¤g¤¤•¤¢¢ •• The United States slllill continue KZ an adb m - ruumtmirrsoct ·· ·· mug °mb°’°**h° 00 _ io n mmunon and participate m the work of said .¤P$§?s::°h.»T.l°&;1°°$J Mw #:858 hmby, authorized . . . ° lu uw ` istrstion expense; 0¥rt)he International Pnson Commgon ¤°¤¤¤§%1'y expenses of e commissioner to represent the United States 011 §&ld commrssion. at its annual meetings together yith was clerical and other expenses, out of any mono which shall lie a my pnated for such purposes from time to time ily Congress. ppm