SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Suas. ·III. Cris. 86-88. 1913. 697 ronuen nosrrrar. xr can TOWN. Annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hospital c,,{,°T,.°Q€,'}, """"'*‘· (a foreign hospital), at Cape Town, $50, to be paid bg the Secretary ` of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen an citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital. sr.nn!·.N’s msrrrnrn xr xonn. Contributions toward the support of the Seamen’s Institute at x§§;"'°“" "“‘“‘“°· Kobe, to be paid by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that relief will be aifo ed by the said mstitute to indigent American seamen, $25. coirrmemrr nxrnusns, UNITED srxrns cousmmrns. Expensu of provid.m§' all such station blanks, record and other °‘f,',;,,,““,§‘°‘°°“'· books, seals, presses _ age, signs, rentmgllowance for rent not to oc exceed m any case thirty per centum of the oii:icer’s re_pairs to consular buildings owned b the United States, postage, ture, including typewriters and exgiange of same, statistics, newspapers, ireight fo and domestic), telegrams, adv messenger service, trairueilgigg expenses of consular officers and co assktants, compensation o Chinese writers, loss by utah? and such other _ miscellaneous expenses as the President may th' necesary for the several consulates and consular agencies in the transaction of their business, $471,600. Approved, February 28, 1913. CHAP. 87.—An Act For the relief of Gibbes Lykes. nbT;?17€’l“u Bc ei mma by me sms and Hwzzgrmpmmustsgyw Uma: "°""“°· “°· ‘°°·‘ States of America in Oongrcas apscwab , That the President be, and ${{,",,{; ,,1,,, mg he is hereby, authorized to nommate and, by and with the advice and mugmqgyuyuh consent of Senate,_to apgoint Gibbes Lykes, late asecond lieutenant ` of cavalry in the_United tates Army, to be a second lieutenant of cavalry m the United States Army, to take rank at the foot of the hst of second lieutenants of cavalry: Promkkd, That no back pay or u¤wnp.y,•m. allowances shall accrue by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved, February 28, 1913. CHAP. 88.-An Act To relin uish the claim of the United States against° the FW Nugrantees, their legal representativgs and assigns, for timber cut on Petaca land grant. [mw ir, No. W.} Be ite·ruu:tedbyt};cSma1e and Houa$¢g1?I_cl€»reaenlativeaoft7•c United States of America in Congress assemb , at the United States of NE}? ”"‘° ¤"““· America hereby forever relinquish release, satisfy, and discharge all of wai right, claim, and demand which they have or may have against the be cut mm, mm; original grantees their heirs and assigns, of the tract of lan which is ‘*“’“‘°"· known as the Petaca g;-ant, lprivate land claim numbered seventy-two, situate in the county o io Arriba, in the State of New Mexico, for timber and lumber cut and removed therefrom by said grantees, their legal representatives or assigns, pnor to December eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, being the same tract of land which was recommended to confirmed by Congress to Julian Martinez and others and their legal refpresentatiyes or assigns b James K. Proudiit, surveyor general o the ,»Temt0ry of ew léaxico, on February twentiet , anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-five, which said tract of land was thereafter omcially sur-
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