698 SIXTY—SEOOND CONGRESS. Sue. III. Cue. 88, 89. 1913. veyed and platted in the surveyor '§:neral’s omee and found to contain one hundred and eighty-six usand mne hundred and seventy-seven and one- acres, and thef ggilole thereo , as surveyed ving an clanmedmgood an as their prop•?ty from lnmdred_and_thirty-six, y said Julian his mociates and their heirs, legal representatives ' ,w nana roma ecisiono urto °vate ·¤d¤s¤·“¤“ Dm'? °·g‘*r¤“·°·rtl*?a:“ fsrdmaig Cnlnaiins, hadpconiirmed said grant in favor of said Jose Julian Martinez antg hglassociates, antéli tatives, reme o ni tates rev ° gon and limited Enid grant to a less amount of said land, said timber and lumber having been cut and removed therefrom while they so held and claimed said land in good faith, and from the portions thereof adjacent to the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. Approved, February 28, 1913.
QA?. §9.—An Act To amend section seventy of an Act entitled "An Act to
";__¤»»··¤··@ &°f[".i’...i‘“".Z‘.'Qi°.Z’¤.‘}v$“” ’°*‘“"‘ ‘° "’° ’“‘”°‘""" """'°"°“ "“'°" °“"'· Bc·itenadcdbyt]teSenateandHouee R eamtati th¢United ‘QjL‘°°,§f·*;f°{*{§‘{; States America in Oongresg Thqft sectiorinseqenty of an amended. Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise and amend the laws relating ‘§;"`.$.%i‘dti°§“"" ‘*"’i.“§$€M°‘°" `.fc‘5‘f&$““°'§°“'}“ii“”“ °""°1°'°“* , same is , amen rea as o ows: naw- aww “Sec. 70. The State i,A1abam ’ divided t three ‘ di 'al °"'"°°" districts, to be known as like northeignlilniddle, andusguthern migtriiits ]l:¤r¤¤·nd1¤¤·l¢d&·“_ of Alabama. The northern district shall include the territory im embraced on the finst day of July, nineteen hundred and ten, in the counties of Cullman Jackson, Lawrence, Limestone Madison, and Morgan, which shall_constitute the northeastern division of said “'{L°"'*"°"°'° ‘”"" district; the terntol? embraced on the date last mentioned in mma M thee ®t\];1lU& :51 Colbélrz dganklin, aind Lguéierdale, which shall constiu eno was vision °t't;alsothte` embraced on the date last mentionx in tliicijgounties ¤r°cn;il¤i°£ mm M um Etowah, and Saint Clair, which shall constitute °*¤ the mi dle d1v1sxon_of said district; the territory embraced on glaelgate xslegiaoned in tbph 00UDtt31$ of Blount, Jefferson, and e w _ constitute e sou ern divisio f `d distri t; J°’°' °"“°°‘ (t§%‘t;edr11:°tor%ia¤nltii;u¤eil[on the Fdatetlast mgntidlngdiiil the coii=n— _ r,msn,ar1on,ate , 'h ""°'”°""'°“‘ constitute the dlzision of said discrict; alsouthzhtgrdstlog em on ea tmenfed` th f Clay, Cleburne, and Talladega, wcgch suliall ‘hoc1i):ti]ttii?e tiheczlasteotialrlii w°**°’¤ °*'“*°°· division of said district; also the territory embraced on the date last ¥e;1ct;?;1:.dQmmth§ tiloiilpties of Biléli, Greene, Pickens, Sumter and u , w c s titute di ` ‘ ‘ M-» Terms of the ism 3.% for tt.? `£3’.£i2"mY.’;‘°(§§$is?(?A“§'i‘ii?'ifg held at Huntsville on the first Tuesday in April and the second Tuesday in October; for the northwestern division at Florence on the PMN., second Tuesday m_ February, and the third Tuesday in October: mm onmm. 5)'£;t*d:'g»m'f};;¤I*;w¤‘;¤}:·¤a{>ll<;)B hzlhdf uccoinmodations for holding urms ment; for the middle division, at Gadlsdefeii oiixpthesiaingi 'ltiii’es?ifiver; "’°”" *'°“’—"°°- Februar? and August: Provided, That suitable moms and &CC0lgI_·;IlO— dations or holding court at Gadsden shall be furnished free of ex nse tt; th£¢;8Gove11nnent, for the southern division, at Birminghage on e t Mondays in March and September, which courts shall