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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/727

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704 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sas. III. Ch. 93. 1913. · · · ol thaA.nn 1 th

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0, 4. 0. . . • ` maded theSenate ndHouacof Repv·¢s¢nta¢wca_qft7le United u°·*¤¤¥ ·¤”'°P"•‘ Stfjsuqf Amcrizl in 0ong·re:_aaae1nbled, That the follqwgf sums be, °° and the are hereby, a propr1ated,out of any moneym e'l‘reasnry not otherwise appmtplnllted, for the o& the Army for the year ' th , teen h and ourteen: c¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤m·• mcomgwuggucmrgiir 1&1°ABMYZufl101' all contingent expenses of kbs ·“""· otherwise rovided for and emb all branches of the Army not , mili service, inclirdingthe0Eceof the_nefofStaif»*°l’° updhlllyed under the immediate orders of the Secretary of War, one of cms: or $25,000. ormcm or mn cmu or stan. sua. Ama `C0 O : F expensesof theArmyYV'arCollege being my wu cam"` Wilase clflfzli? n or stationery, typewriters and exchange for the pure ecessg _ of same office, toilet, and d furniture, textboolzs, of reference scientific and professional papers and periodicals, Pl’H1t1Dg•8l'ld binding ma police utensils em loyment of temporary, technical, ' servnc d f ll til) absolutel necessary expenses 91. spwdinmlg $25 aging-nth ljnldclitioznafrm regular gompensatron to chiei

 of   for superintendence of the War College Building,

c¤¤¤¤••¤s¤v•¤••. wéggirmcsaucms MHIIABY Iurromwrrorw Sncnou, Gmqxgaar. Srrarr mv mmm Cours: For contingent of the Milrtaryllnformatron General Staff Corps, mcln mgmqre pgrchase of- w profsssro f technical` an news-

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andeleéations abroad; and of the branch omce of the Military Infor— mation Section at Manila and the actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred by military attachgs agreed under ogduers from ht}; fW tobeexpended er ednrectiono eSecre P•‘¤•*•¤· §i?cVIl’cat?r`:1(l),000al•l’rmrided That sellzllion thirty-six hundred and forty-

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¤•¤*¤•·¤*·¤·>¤ mma Srrans smzvion scnoons. To provide means_ for the xfs? ¥·••'•¤*°*¤·· theoretical and prac3lcag1l1I:structionIfait1t(ih§Statf Ooglgge {mchédnplg the Army Schoo of e e, Army e ¤§neer 00,an the Arm alSch l) tFrtLe ortli anastheMounted "’" '“'°’·""‘ S8I'V{!0 00l atollors Rilliy, Ksrhscgsiv and’the Sichool of Fire for nssutoua Field Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, by the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and pro essronal papers, the purchase of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, and for all other absolutely] necessary exxnses, to be allotted in such Slrogortrons as may, m the_opimon of e Secretary of War, be for e est interests of the military service, $30,350. M1¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤·¤¤'¤ um ammam emuznarls nmrnrrumrr. Department. h£•é¤*;gg;¤r;*=¤ •* Commemxoms, Hxanquamzns or Mnrranr mvrsrous arm q nnranumms: For contingent expenses at the headquarters of the several military divisions and departments, including the Staff Corps segiving t1l;ereat,db§iniff<::· the puriehx of the neceslslalqdartbgcldliss of ce,to`et,an cs mitu ` ,1118 t f iieference, professional and techrriicalmnewgpaperlifhnlllc erlgodicals, arid police utensils, to be allotted by the Secretary of &ar, and to be expended in the discretion of the several military division and department commanders, $7,500.