SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. IH. Ch. 93. 1913. 705 emma mn cmnr or eoasr Arrrrrmrmr. A§g·u¤g,<f¤!¤¤•f¤¤•¤* Coasr Anrmmnr Scuoor., Fqrrr Mormon, Vmerma: For incidental g,‘§‘§,f p,,¢,'§{§}$,{ expenses of the school, including chemicals stationery, hardware; V‘· cost of special instructmon of officers detailed as instructors; extraduty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days as artriicers on work rn ad tron to and not strictly m lme with their military} duties, such as carpenters, blacksmiths, draftsmen, printers, lit ographers, photo aphers, engine drivers, telegraph operators, teamsters, wheegiirrghts, masons, machinists, painters, overseers, laborers; office furniture and fixtures, machiner%, and unforeseen expenses, $10,000. or purchase of engines, generators, motors machines, measuring °P°°*·'·PP•·¤*¤¤~ instruments, lsimcial apparatus and materials for the division of the enlisted spec' ts, $7,000. For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experiggegggl purposes for the department of artillery and land defense, lfor purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measu ¤ ,,{',,§‘f§§,{"°"” ‘”" instruments, special apparatus and materials for the departrnenltuiif engneering and mme efense, $5,500. _ mn or purchase and binding of professional books of recent date triatipg of military and scienti;Ec subjects for library and for use of sc oo, $2,500. H H Provided, That section thirt -six hrmdred and forty-eight, Reyised ransom. Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional ”·‘·'°°r’“’·’·’“ newspapers and peri rcals to be paid for from this appropriation. orvncn or run cmnr srornx. orrrcna. 5*8**** ¤·”*¤•· Srorur. Snavrcn or mn Amar: For expenses of the Signal Service "’°"’“‘ of the Army, as follows: Purchase, equipment, and repair of field electric teleiraphs, signal equipments an stores, binocular glasses, telescopes, ehostats, and other necessary mstruments, mcludrng W Nu M necessary meteorological mstruments for_use on target ranges; war dw °°¤* balloons and airshrps, rncluding their maintenance and repair; tele- .p.m. phone apparatus (exclusive of exchange. service) and maintenance of the same; electrical installations and maintenance at military posts; iire control and direction appiaratus and maternal for field artillery; maintenance and repair of xm tary teleggaph lines and cablcs,_rnc1udin salaries of civilian employees, supp ee and general repairs, and other expenses connected with the duty of collecting and transnutting information for the Army by telegraph or otherwise, $375,000: Provided, however, Tlgat not more than 125,003 of sang amountfshall u,,,,' ""’°", ,,, mh, M be used for the urc ase, maintenance, opera on, an repair o arr- ¤¤¤¤•• 0 E L ships and otherpaerial machines: Provided further, That from and muon .i¤{,Y’°" ° ‘ after the passage and approval of this Act the pav and allowances that are now or may be hereafter fixed by law for officers of the Begular Army shall be increased thirty-five per centum for such officers_as are ngw or r;i)ay be hergifxer (ggrhlléd by th? Secretaay tif War :81; agraaii mmmon tion ut: ’ , tf increaseo payan aowan s_ · be givcnyto such officers only as are actual fiéeurs of heavier than arr _ craft, and while so detailed: rmnkledjurjther, _ t no more than thirty °°"*“ “"“‘°"- officers shall be detailed to the aviation service: Provided further, gynrgrgegaiil. That ara aph two of section twenty-six of an Act of Corrgresslsxr ° ' proves Feirruary second, nineteen hundred and one, enti ed _ n Act to increase the efficiency of the %manent military estabhshment of the United States," shall not t the tour of detail to arration duty of officers below the grade of heutenant colonel: Promded Tomof Oman Mg further, That nothing in tlus provision shall be construed to increase inmma the total number of officers now rn the Regular Army.
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