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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/730

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. III. Ch. 93. 1913. 707 QUAB XRPQ, Qaarternaater ' For pay of four hundred d uartermaster sergean susan $45 (penmonth each, $219,783ll nvm q tl. .,5 N. A dmonal pay for length of service, $83,000. smuar. ooars. ,,,,,0,,, sslligibo pay of forty-two master signal electricians, at $900 each, For pay of one hundred and thxrty' ·ii Erst-class sergeants $540 each, $72,900. vo . ‘ ’ at For pay of one hundred and forty-four sergeants, at $36 per month eaih, $62,20%. or pay o twenty-four cooks at $30 th each, $8 640.4 For pay of one hundred and fifty-six pcgrrpldgls, at $24 per month each, $44,928. For pay of five hundred and £fty-two iirst-class privates, at $18 per month each, $119 232. For pay of one hundred and sixty-eight privates, at $15 per month each, $30,240. Additional pay to twelve sergeants, serving as mess sergeante, at $6 per month each, $864. Additional pay for length of service, $61,064.64. nosrrrar. coats. nwnucup For pay of enlisted men, $925,000. Additional pay for length of service, $l66,121.64. quanmnuasrmn conrs nmxsrm unit. c,§;•_•**•*¤•"•* For pay of enlisted men, Quartermaster Corps, and additional pay ¤“*‘°'**°•¤· for length of service, $810,000. rar ro cumxs, mcsszuoxns, am: Lanonnns ar nnanquanrnas or _,f,f*°*¤· ¤•••¤•"·· mvrsxoxs, DEPARUIINTB, roars comnmmn ar ommnax. ornomis, am: orncl: or mn ommr or s•rn·r.. One chief clerk, at the oice of the Chief of Staff, $2,000 per annum. Fifteen clerks, at $1,800 each per annum. Fifteen clerks at $1,600 each per annum. Thirty-eigIht clerks, at $1,400 each per annum. Seventy c erks, at $1,200 each per annum. Seventy-one clerks, at $1,000 each per annum. One captain of the watch, at $900 per annum. Three watchmen, at $720 each per annum. One gardener, at $720 per annum. One packer, at $840 er annum. Two messengers, at &40 each per annum. Sixty-five messengers, at $720 each per annum. One laborer, at $660 per annum. Two laborers, at $600 each per annum. One laborer, at $480 fer annum. Five charwomen, at 240 each per annum. In all, $317,840. And said clerks, messengers, and laborers shall be employed and M·*¢¤·¤¢¤¢ assigned by the Secretary of War to the offices and positions m which they are to serve: Provided, That no clerk, messenger, or laborer at P•'°•‘**