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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/729

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706 SIXTY—SECON]) CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 93. 1913. "•·*·*¤¢¤¤¤·¤¤** Wasmx —Ausxa xmrraxr cam.: aim rauonarn srsuu: °°1ii¥i¥iid`¤¤., exc. For defra gmtxfhe cost of such extension and bettsrments of the Washington-Alxlnxlki military cable and telegraph system as may be alproved by the SecretaryofW•r, tobe availableuntilthecloseoft e %*·‘.,...g..,···* ··r...k.**·· mms? "‘*z·**..c..· *m..*’··· $***.*,;.:*5..**** ° - e an B V9 been covergd inrxdtlxls offtheblalmmdngdugéothe extlentdof such extensions cost thereo to repo to ngress y e Secre f W $50,000. "_gg**m **¤¤*, , bu, mciamgnuuu srsrmrs ar ranorr naxons: For the instalwn lation of annunciator buzzer at target ranges at Fort McPherson, Georgia, and Fort Sill, O ma, $4,000. in- rar or orncmzs or rm:. um:. {,T,$;°,2_°“‘ VN. For pay of offictgra of the line, $7,;Il10,8tg0: Provided, Tlgaghherkagteri ¤¤¤•¤*¤•,_,,'dtermmmg" ehgnbih" uner erovisionso e o §:•°'iim?l"' go C approved Augmttytwenty-fourth? nineteen hundred and twzlve, of troop, battery, or company officers for detail as officers of the various staif corps and departmmts of the Army, except the Gepleral Staff Corps, aatuallyhpufonned {ry any suclh ogcer ' troops rto teen ninetem im tw v E a or laquadrori stall officer, shallallle deemeil sn-, Lw.,“"f°Ti.*2°€’ r.g.m“"  %.e.¤..»..“*°b’;’ .°.1’.i’°"‘“ wiaiéi. ‘.§°°"...m.JP";'1"*t.°.‘.$ by ru. mmissaries ter to e ties °"j;.,':‘§‘l.§?‘· of ofgcen of the Quartermaster Corps, includingpxrrlgceipting for any money or property pertaining to said corps when no officer of the Corps is present for such duties, and nothing contamed_m the Annxrgspmpnsuon Act zproved August twenty- fourth, aplnneteentohun t and twtgluze, sail be held or constru so as proven compe au on m requiring any oflicers of the Army to act temporarily as quartermssters wherever thereshall benooEcersof theQuarterm terCo d ’· mexita1,i_batt:l1l;o‘1;, for squadron quarteruhisters dim aglmnilildsargnsds present or s u y. ¤¤¤nvny· Additionalcplay of omcers for length of service, to be paid with their current mon y pay, $1,742,916.73. nr or nxusrnn urs. ”‘""°"”'”* For ay {enlisted I ll , 'cl ‘ mum slgtggéogilo f 1 men p a grades in uding recruits, p,,,,,,,, °" P8] 0i' ¤¤g$l1 0 B · , $2,29l,574.56: Promj may pay to saw That no officu or enlisted man in acctlivjgliervice, who shall be absent ,,,,,,,,,,,°"‘“""’,,,, ,,,$,‘,,,,,, from duty on account of resulting from his own intempgrate Mn ¤·z¤¤¤. ¤¤·- use of drugs, or alcohohc liquors, or other misconduct, shall receive pay for the of such absence from any part of the appropriation m this Act or the pay of officers or enlisted men, the time so absent. and the cause thereof to ascertamed xmder such &rocedure and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of ar. ”"*”"’°”"•“**’°'* oonrs or mwommms. For ay of enlisted $467,040. Addilaional pay for llmegtli of service, $60,322. Ordnance Oui!. ORDINANCE DEPARTIIINT. For ay of enlisted $221,436. · Addiiional pay for 1:1;-tl: of service, $100,09023.