SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Srrss. III. Ch. 93. 1913. 709 For pay of retired pay clerks, $21,750. Pay duns For increased pay to retired officers assigned to active duty, $54,250. Egg';} °¤ ·°***• _For additions pay to such officers for ength of service, to be paid magmcy. with their current monthly pay, $22,350. RETIRED ENLISTED MEN. gegndemmeamem For pay of the enlisted men of the Army on the retired list, ny. $2,400, 35.20. mscmuauwnzous. · museums; For pay of forty hospital matrons, $4,800. H¤•1>i¤•1¤¤a¤¤¤= For pay of forty-two veterinarians, at $1,700 each, $71,400. veaamma For additional pay to such veterinarians for length of service, to be Ipaid with their current monthly pay, $10,000. or expenses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military oommis- Court-muua1,et¤. sions, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending the or `tion pay to 0 in c o pu 16 ings an * b¤¤¤¤¤¤• °°1i·°°’$i)°i&i°°' al Hicer ni { tr buns 4 <>¤~·,, unds at wear D, District ot Columgtiia, :1,000. "“’ ·"· °· For commutation of quagters tokcpliggunawslponed oitlihceri, acting deng.-l q£gg;;¤g$gg_>¤ ¤* surgeons, veterinarians an ay c on uty wi ou troops at s _ tions where there are no pulilic quarters, $500,000._ For clothing not drawn due te enlisted men on discharge, $600,000. °*°*¤*¤¢¤¤*¤¤*¤- For interest on soldiers’ deptpsits, $90,000. _ _ _ I“"”°’°°“°°¤"""*· Foigay of translator and 11 ranan of the mihtary information sec- "'•'“'•'“· tion, eneral Staff Corps, $1,800. “ ° For pay of expert accountant for the Inspector General’s Depart- E*P°" •°°°°¤°·¤*~ ment, $2,500. _ For extra pay te enlisted men employed on extra duty for periods 0*’”:g;{;¤°¤•** of not less than ten days in the offices of distr1ct Artillery engineers, { M and distareilcg ordnance officers, and as switehboard operators, at seat f cations $11 208.05. colisor (dxtra pay te men employed on extra duty as switch- e0§»"ii'iiii°Z’»·`iiil ET board operators at each interior post of the Army, $11,242. For extra pay to enlisted men of the line of the_ Army and to ““*¤ °•b’··•*=· enlisted men of the Signal Corps emlployed m the Territory of Alaska on the Alaskan cable and telegrap system, for periods of not less than tepilillays, at thoéate of 35 cents petil day, $32,000. te _ _ IM'. w mom F to 0 cers acting en surgeons ve l'1IlBl’l8!lB,° _ congrlact siiggons, pay clerks, and expert accountant, Inspector E General’s De artment, when authorized by law, $550,000, of which $100,000 shag be immediately available. _ Mmm .1 I For additional ten per centum increase on pay of omcers on foreign ,,g,, ,,,$',2c_ ${;,,§" ' , $245,000. _ _ - Scr1?Ydi·cadditional twenty per centum increase on pay of enlisted men E““'*°‘* “’°"· f reign' rvi e, $750,000. _ m u (mFi)>r payiif orie computer for Artillery board; $2,500. _ °I;¤‘;;;;ch_n8_· For payment of exchange bfy special dnsbursmgi aients of the Quartermaster Corps serving in oreign countries, an_ w en specially authorized by the Secretary ot War by special disbursing agents of the Quartermaster_Corps scrving in lra, $600. Amudum of mm For subsistence, mileage, and commutation of quarters to officers as at service s¤¤0¤1t of the National Guard attending service and garrison schools, $20,000. Addmcm Ny For three months;4h;.1dditiona1lS glay tg aiibitgd EIC!). mmlwaatmém. within theperiodof eemont om a o nscarge m t list t $200 000. _ mm, mFo1in§iir 'months’ additional pay to beneficiaries of officexs and Km: °"°°" enlisted men who die while in active service from wounds or disease not the result of their own misconduct, $60,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/732