710 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 93. 1913. <¤¤¤¤¤ ‘*¤¤¤·¤*¤¤ F additional ay to officers below the grade of major required nz`; tolptermounted ang their otvhxy mounts, :1€$:,P. _ C _ unt required m e mon aymen enme arvolmwm roll,0:vi?1l;.v(; of James Carroll, late major and) surgeon, States grurlpi, asmpgr o approved May twenty-third, nmeteen i'·*“"°**i·'*"*"°"` nm. F°§. “‘£§’&’.?£ ““"L.° ‘“°¤'.1°&?"...%¥.§““.°§‘.¥..‘1’..$‘°.."°1..,,..*P[.; grliiged, States Aimyérgsa perdA¢;;1pf approved May twenty- ` , teen un an e' t . ` -},*},_¤,,§P_K*,,g'§f'¢”· Amoililndlcrequimd to make monthly of $100 to John R. »‘?i'f.‘.‘g"·‘£.¥f°°i£’;’“.§.‘.?%.‘€.; °?‘1l‘“‘ir —&‘*£""‘°%°“*&"§’t?‘ 0 teer an , o e ospi rps, m tee Arm , $1,200. · m§_?{'& ,§‘,;'g,,}f°'*‘ Fg; Porto Rico flifment of Infantry, composed of two battalions of four companies c : °m°°'* Pay of o $65,100. ‘·'”'¢°'*‘¥- For additiontrzldpay for length of service, $9,860.05.
- ““*'*°°· Pay of enlis men, $134,052.
‘*”'¥°'”¥· Additional pay for length of service, $30,220.12. P*¤¤v¤*¤• ¤°°¤¤ r1m.rm·nm scours, °°°°‘* For pay of officers: For fifty-two captains, $124,800. For pay of sinty-four iirst heutenanta, $128,000. For pay of e¤xty·i’our second $108,800. $7,1%% pay of twelve majors, m addition to pay as captain, $600 each, ¥·¤¤¢¤*¤*¥· pa for length of service, $79,576.26. ¥¤”¤'¤¤ ¤·¤¤— For a of men, $586,094.40 ¥¤¤¤·'**Y· For gdditional pay_ for length of service, $35,000.
- ?•¥ •°°°¤¤'-*· the money herembefore appropriated for pay of the Army
miscellaneous, except the appropriation formileage of officers acting dental surgeom, contract surgeocnlil, veterinarians, pay clerhs, an expert accountant Inspector Gen s Department, when authorized by lméslgall be disbungsteld fp}; lzy officers cgfuhe Quartermas as o e ,an or a urposes fifte PMM one f1md:r$rov§;§, That here5after section -six hun°d)r1:l ailnd Checks to lndorseea . {
- 15:5 mma per- twenty, Revised Statutes, as amended bi the Act o Congress approved
,_s_;,.,_,m,,,_m Pifslruary twentysoventh, eighteen undred and seventy-seven, s not be construed as precluding officers of the Quartermaster Corps from drawing checks m favor of the person or institution designated by mdorsement made on his month! pay account by any _ wi su r a ons as {
- ?s.:.‘.*#*° **.2:****.%.***3 ***22 im? s.¤··Ym·m*
mselerwymeae. War may prescribe: Prmgded further, mt payment gy theiellanl-`§¢?d States o a check on the mdorsexnent of the mdorsee specilied on the gin shall be a full acqmttance for the amount due on the °*‘¤·¤¤·<’ “*”**·- e.umdm·r ann uumnvmzs, Oneamzmn Murrra: F ‘ 3‘E_‘,l’§,';§,°{ °{,§{‘,g gig th; Militia of any State TerritoryTlo1?di the r W 0 _ _¤m na, which may be authorized by the Secret of therfglodputgirenlptaite mfstxich cncampments as may be establishyfor vchuwmmh b _ mam c on o e troops of the Regular Army, as provided y segctionli 51-een and twenty-one of the Act of January twent —first, nine een un and three, entitled "An Act to promote tile ellicren f th militia df v · · bl cy oi e _ , an_ or other Hpurposes, to be immediately availhm a e an to remain available unt the end of the fiscal year nineteen ,».,,,,,..,,.,n.,.,, h¤¤dr•¤l md fifteen, 8350,000: Provided That of the amount herein Sauna mw appropriated the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to expend $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the acquisition,