SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sm. III. cu. 147. 1915 1161 Igor fees of commissioners, United States courts, nineteen hundred an thirteen, $93.95. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $17.80. For fees of jurors, United States co1u·ts, $16.40. cmms Annownn nr mm Armrron ron run POST ormcm nnrnnmmm. For Rural Delivery Service, carriers, $82.01. ;u°W¤¤ by For indemnitim, international registered mail, $38.78. iiqiiiii¤i:¤fi°°t °m°° For assistant postmasteis and clerks in post omces; assistant pogtmasterslpnlil cler(l§s firs,;s5and second class ofices, $386.11. or rent, g t an $ . For shipment of sulptplies, $1.10. ger freight on ipllaisc age, pos{tal cards, and so forth, $841.44. or R way M rvice, sa aries $70.28. Sec. 4. That the reappropriation and diversion of the unexpended ,,,E,,‘§‘?‘*’°“°”" "“‘ balance of an appropriation to a purpose other than that for which m!;z’,¤;Ssig¤¤eg;»B¢¤¤- it was originally made sléallhbe construeicilgdarid accougliieadl lgirelaéiier as pumm. Pm a new a ropriation an the un en alance e uce by the S§ZfI)1 proposed to be so diviitped. _ ‘ Sec. 5. That the executive departments and other Government §,Y§§‘{§'f°¥§,;f,f§;,,, establishments and all branches of the public service may hereafter mf ¤¤=¤¤¤8i¤¤· exch e typewriters, adding machines, and other similar labor savirfgniievices in part payment for new machines used for the same purpose as those proposed to be exchanged. There shall be sub- R°P°** *° *>• ¤¤¤¤*~ Q mitted to Congress, on the first day of the session following the close of each fiscal ear, a report showing, as to each exchange ereunder, the make of the article, the period of its use, the allowance therefor,
- the a.rticle, thereof, and price, including exchange value,
‘ paid or to be paid for each article procured through such ex ange. That the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, extend gx¤g{m?}:.§d0g¤* é the time within which final proof is required to be submitted upon gmmqipmreupeua any lawful pending desert-land entry made prior to Julty first, mne- '“*°l“‘“"‘ teen hundred and ourteen, such extension not to excee three years from the date of allowance thereof: Promklcd, That the entrlylman gorgggymh or his duly qualified assignee has, in good faith, complied wit the requirements of law as to early expenditures and {goof thereof, and shall show, under rules and regulations to be prescrn ed by the Secretary of the Interior, that there is a reasonable prospect that, if the extension is granted, he will be able to make the final proof of reclamation, irrigation, and cultivation required by law: r0v1dcd° further, That the foregoing shall apply only to cases wherein an ex- Av1>¤¢•¤¤¤· texiiion or further extension of time may not properly be allowed un er existing law. _ _ That where it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the ,,,,'f}§‘§,{2§u°§g{‘,*§{§’§,"$§ Secretary of the Interior, under rules and regulations to be prescribed ygg-19 P 3,, by him, with reference to anyllawful pending desert-land entry made Vol:26ipl109i1. _ prior to July first, ninetesij gndred and foézrteen, under which tge V°* ”*"p‘m·”“ entryman or his dul qu e assignee un er an assignment ma e prior to the date of this Act, has, inbgood faith, expended the sum of $3 per acre in the attempt to effect reclamation of the land, that there is no reasonable prospect that, if the extension allowed by this Act or any existing law wizre granted, he wouldlge iiblel to aiejcgure water uiii t to e act rec amation of the irriga e an in entry or any iligglal subdivision thereof, the Secretary of the Interior may,_in his discretion, allow such entryman or assignee five years from notice within which to perfect the entry in the manner required of a homestead entryman.