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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1180

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1162 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crrs. 147-150. 1915. ?°"°°“°” °'°°"'Y- That any desertsland entrynran or his assignee entitled to the · benedt of the last preceding paragraph may, if he shall so elect within sixty days from the notice therein provided, pay to the receiver of the local land office the sum of 50 cents per acre for each acre embraced in the entry, and thereafter perfect such entry upon proof that he has upon the tract permanent improvements conducive to the agricultural development thereof of the value of not less than $1.25 per acre, and that he has, in good faith, used the land for agricu tural purposes for three years and the payment to the re- Pmm ceiver, at the time of Enal goo , of the sum 0 75 cents per acre: C,m,.,§,;u.,¤ gn M. Promkled, That in such case al proof may be submitted at any time °‘° ‘° P°"°°‘ °¤"Y· within fivedyears from the date 0 the entryman’s election to roceed as provide in this section, and in the event of failure to perllect the entry as herein provided, all moneys theretofore paid shall be forfeited and the entry canceled. Approved, March 4, 1915. u?§h3g·}§?15' (IEA?. 148.-An Act To validate certain homestead entries, ¤’°*·‘·¤·N··· W Be at emetedjyy at sam and new of zztpremmata Ojat Uma

 0, States of America in Congress assembled, That all pending homestead

enlarged nnmesceaas entries made in good faith prior to January fi1st, nineteen hundred "$2f'§§‘p_ 639. and fourteen,hun1d;;· the proyisionsclpf ltlhe hom3stead lallwsi isons w 0 ore making su e omestea en a

 title to land under the homestx laws and therefoiieywere

not %ualiiied to make an enlargled homestead entry, be, and the same ¤¤¤d*¤¤¤· are ereby, validated, if in a other respects regular, in all cases where the original homestead entry was for less than one hundred and sixty acres 0 land. · Approved, March 4, 1.915. Ml!;h4ii¤i.il1a. CHAP. 149.-An Act To validate title to certain town sites in the State of Montana. "’“"“°· N°“ ”’"’ Be ez enacted ty at stm and amt ojntgreemmtm ojat new 11g;¤tr;1£:¤{:)d¤i§su_ M States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the umm mus in um. Interior be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to accept for ‘“““ surface rights only Northern Pacific lieu-land selection heretofore . made and designated as Glasgow, Montana, land office, serial number Nought twenty-one thousan four hundred and eighty, for the following—described land: South half of the southeast quarter of section three in township thirty-five north of range forty-mne east, Montana meridian; south half of the northeast quarter of section nine, in township thu·ty-five north, of range fifty east, Montana meridian; northeast quarter of the northeast uarter of section seventeen, in township thirty-tive north, of range i§ty-one east, Montana meridian; ¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤ ¤••¤·¤- and issue patents thereto, which patents shall contain a reservation V°*· °°·P·58*· to the United States of all the coal in said lands, as rovided by section three of the Act of June twenty-second, nineteen lliundred and ten (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page Eve hundred and eighty-four). Approved, March 4, 1915. umn ms. . H, _ CHAP. 150.--An Act To amend anAct ent1tled"An A ‘ nhuged

 homestead," and Acts amendatory thereof and supplemeifthimtgegevfailo for an 8

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re eeenlativea 0 the United i:>`liiii°»i2:?1°n¤m•. States of America in Gvngress (l88C7itbl£d,`%"I`h£{”Qh6I8 any pgrson quali- "°"*"· fied to make entry un er the provisions of the Act of February