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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1181

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 150-152. 1915. 1].63 nineteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, and Acts amendato thereof ’·P’“"°"°“’.‘°' °“‘ and supplemental thereto, shall make application to enter lniiider the Edit mmmgmm provisions of said Acts any imappropriated public land in any State ,,_gs°i§°it€i°§${;,l;iLige§§ affected thereby which has not been designated as subject to entry 2°’»°°°· under the Act (provided saidmalpplication is accompamed and su ported by properly corrobora afiidavit of the applicant in dupg; cate, showing prima facie that the land applied for is of the character contemplate by said Acts), such app cation, together with the regular fees and commissions, shall be received by the register and receiver of the land district in which said land is located, and susplended imtil it shall have determined by the Secretary of the tenor whether said land is actually of that character that during rauasucneshd. such suspension the land described in said application shall be segregated by the_sa1d register and receiver and not subject to ent until the case 18 disposed of; and if it shall be determined that sug land M1<>*¤¤¤•· is of the character contemplated bme said Acts then such application shall be allowed; otherwise it s be rejected, subject to apjilealz Bromded, That the provisions of this Act shall nzpply to the app °ca- {g;·&>§mmds_ tion of a qualified ent1Er;ian to make additio entry of unappropriated land adjoming unperfected homestead entry, the area of which, together with his original entry, shall not exceed three hundred and twentyqacres. _ Sec. 2. _ at the Fprovisions of this Act and of the first five sec- ,,,d tions of said Act of ebruary nineteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, tc and Acts amendatory thereof, excepting the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An Act to provide for an enlarged homestead" in the State of Idaho, shall extend to and include the State of South Dakota. · Approved, March 4, 1915. cusp. 151.—AnAct rmaen mule e simmer of theun `ueed uu. ‘€i'°‘{‘*‘”"‘ ance of the appropriation of $10,0gO made lfjiethe iiigntpdietticiency bilxlpdf October twenty-second, nineteen hundred and thirteen, for completion of the postroffice [ ’ °‘ I budding at Hanover, Pennsylvania. Be it emzcted by the Senate and House of1§e£>resentctives of the United H P States of America in Oemgress assembled, at the Secretar{l of the s£i1°S»°:i1°¤1§r’ Jiu. ew., Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to expend so muc of the ¤“;“n§,"p am °°· unexpended balance of the appiopriation of $10,000 made by the ' ` u.r%ent deficiency Act of Octo twenty-second, nineteen hundred an thirteen, for the completion of the post-office buildinghat Hanover, Pennsylvania, as he may deem proper for enwg e site of said building, for incidental grading in connection wit such enlarged site, and for miscellaneous items necessary in connection with the completion of said building. Approved, March 4, 1915. CHAP. 152.-—-An Act Authorizinithe Secretaryof the Treasurytodisregard section iiilniiligsisié thirty~t.hree_0f the public buildings ct of March iourth, nineteen hundred and thu- teen, as to site at ghntangdon, Tennemee. I ’ °‘ 1 Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esemtatives o the United . States of Ameri?/a in Congress assembled, Tlizt the Secre{ary of the §iiiidi§i°3&i;iL`i)-$‘E Treas be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to dis- §E,'§?‘ °"’°$"“’ regarduthat portion of section thirty-three of the public Act V°‘· “7· P- 6**0- a proved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, which requires tliiat the Federal building site selected at Huntingdon, Tennessee, shall be bounded on at least two sides by streets. Approved, March 4, 1915.