SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 153. 1915. 1165 shall pay to the seaman a sum equal to two days' pay for each and every day during which payment is delayed beyond the respective periods, which sum shall e recoverable as w es in any claim made efore the court; but this section shall not a;]§ly to msmters or own- ,g§¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¢vr¤f- ers of any vessel the seamen of which are entitled to share in the profits of the cruise or voyage." Sec. 4. That section forty-ive hundred and thirty of the Revised $'{,'L"§‘,l,*,f’§§‘gf°“· Stlsitutes of the United States be, and is hereby, amended to read as o ows: - "Sec. 4530. Every seaman on a vessel of the United States shall ,,§{""'“‘“ "“° *” be entitled to receive on demand from the master of the vessel to ”§·¤&;d¤·¤·45¤0»v·8¤\ which he belongs one-half part of the wages which he shall have then °° ' earned at every ort where such vessel, after the voyage has been commenced, shall) load or deliver cargo before the voy e is ended and all stipulations in the contract to the contrary shacil be void: Promkled, Such a demand shall not be made before the expiration of , %‘;",,ms_ nor oftener than once in five days.` Any failure on the part of the master to comlply with this demand shall release the seaman from his contract and e shall be entitled to full payment of wages earned. I mu And when the voyage is ended every suc seaman shall e entitled v0§`..g... °° °"° °‘ to the remainder of the w¥es which shall then be due him, as provided in section forty-five undred and twenty-nine of the Revised Anlq,p.1184. Statutes: Prmzideddfurther, That notwithstanding any release s' ed ,,,§,f"”¢ ““° °‘ '•· by any seaman un er section forty-five hundred and fifty-two dfithe R-¤.¤¤=4552.1>·¤¤¤· Revised Statutes anylcourt having jnnisdiction may upon good cause shown sejhzgide suc ;elee7:s; arlnh takhes such actiplrim as jugtice shall F i require: pr ur! , at t section s a y to sea- ‘;§¤¤¤°•m•¤ !¤ men on foreign vessels while in harbors of the United Stgtlzas, and the ciliwndedim pm m` courts of the United States shall be open to such seamen for its enforcement? Sec. 5. That section forty-five hundred and fifty-nine of the ,,,‘}f,’,*§,;,,“';,’,,$’{,,,{°°“"‘° Revised Statutes of the United States be, and is hereby, amended V¤1-¤¤.1>-751 to read as follows: "Sec. 4559. Upon a complaint in writing, signed by the first and ,,,,§‘,§§§‘,‘;,,‘;{ °°“““' °° second officers or a majority of the crew of any vessel, while in a ¤¤§·$5$§_w—¤¤»e¤· foreign port, that such vessel is in an unsuitable condition to go to °° sea because she is leaky or insumciently suplplied with_sails, rigging, anchors, or any other equipment, or that the crew is insufficient to man her, or that her provisions, stores, and supplies are not or have not been duringlghe voyage sufficient or who esome, thereupon, in any of these or e cases the consul or a commercial agent w 0 may discharge any of the duties of a consul shall cause to be appointed ,,,§,§,‘};§}““"°“ P"` three rsons of like gualifications with those described in section `!}·{#é0¤7¢·4;§gv·8¤~ forty-fi)x?e hundred an fifty-seven, who shall proceed to examine °' P' ' into the cause of complaint and who shall proceed and be governed in all their roeeedings as provided by said section." Sec. 6. That section two of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the ${3 “%*‘§f" ,,_ 68,, laws relating to navigation/’ approved March third, eighteen hundred ¤·¤°¤d°°· and ninety-seven, be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: NSec. 2. That on all merchant vessels of the United States the ,,§,,P°,'j°e,,,{}’tqs‘,?l'°° "' construction of which shall be begun after the passage of this Act, except yachts, gilot boats, or vessels of less than one hundred tons register, every p ace appropriated to the crew of the vessel shall have a space of not ess than one hundred and twenty cubic feet and not less than sixteen square feet, measured on the oor or deck of that place, for each seaman or apprentice lodged therein, and each seaman shall have a. separate berth and not more than one berth shall 8,,,,,,,, mm, be placed one above another; such place or lodging shall be securegly ¤¤¤.¤¤=· constructed, properly lighted, drained, heated, and ventilat , properly protected from weather and sea, and, as far as practicable,
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