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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1184

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1166 SIXTY-THIRD oorrennss. sm. III. cs. 153. 1915. properly shut off and rotected from the eflluvium of cargo or bilge water. Ang everyhsucli crev;1 space shall be lkept free from goods or stores not eing e erson ro erty 0 the crew occupyin said place in use during the voyage? P g H°°P“‘“ ¤°°'“”· "That in addition to the space allotment for lodgings hereinbefore provided, on all merchant vessels of the United States which in the grdmary course of their trade make voyages of more than three days duration between Sports, and which carry a crew of twelve or more seamen, there sh be constructed a compartment, suitably separated from other spaces, for hospital purposes and such compartment shall have at east one bunk for every twelve seamen, constitutmgher crew, provided that not more than six bunks shall be Sm "°°*‘ “’ mgpllm mmyliascl fth U dS l h Miss -‘¥‘,,,_,j’°° ve steamoato enite tates ° uonte`issii mgm ’ River oiizirts tributaries shall furnish an applioyivlxinigrtepplam for the crgvlni, which slliallbcionfipnn to lthe requiizxgpts of this sectiopi so far as they are a ca e thereto rovi ee room in e Gllglllo e room of suiih) steamboat, lpfoplarrly protected the cold, wind, and rain by means of suitab e awnmgs or screens on either side of the guards or sides and forward reaching from the boiler deck to the lower or mam deck under the direction and apygplyal of the Supervising Wuing G Inspector General of Steam Vessels, and s be roperly heated. aaum rm mwummvs. ‘_All merchant vessels of the United States, the construction of '*· which shall be begun after the passage of this act having more than ten men on deck must have at least one light clean, and properly ventilated washing place. There shall be provided at least one washing outfit for evteeig two men of the watch. The washing place shall be properly hea . A separate washing place shall be provided for the Hreroom and engine-room men, if their number exceed ten which shall be la.rge enoug to accommodate at least one-sixth of them at the same time, an have hot and cold water supply and a sufficient Fmt? for mmm number of wash basins, sinks and shower baths. puma. "Any failure to comply with this section shall subject the owner or Pmm owners of such vessel to a penalty of not less than $50 nor more than rumigmm, sw. $500: Provided, That forecastles shall be f ated at such intervals as may be liguovided by regulations to be issued by the Surgeon General o the blic Health Service, with the approval of the Department of Commerce, and shall have at least two exits, one of which cmu mmm may be used in emergencies." v¤1.ac,pi”im. _SI:c. 7. That section forty-five hundred and ninety-six of the Re- 1v;;e1da§»i;a)1i11(t;e:s'of the United States be, and is here y, amended to spgcigixgi iif£.°i§l° M NSec. 4596. Whenever any seaman who has been lawfully engaged ,,m;,,,;;$,‘f°·‘5’°·P·”°°· or any apprentice to the sea service commits any of the following Dmmm offenses, e shall be punished as follows: "F1rst. For desertion by forfeiture of all or any part of the clothes or eEects he leaves on board and of all or any part of the wages or Mmmmmmm ernoluments which he has then earned. maamrsa _ _ Second. For neglecting or refusingjswithout reasonable cause to gomlhis vessel or to proceed to sea m vessel, or for absence without eave at any time within twenty-four hours of the vessel’s sailing from any port, either at the commencement or during the pr ess of the voyage, or for absence at an time without leave and witirout sufhcient reason from his vessel an<lT from his duty not amounting to desertion, by forfeiture from his wages of not mcire than two days’ M psy or sufficieirat to_defr;ag*u§t5;te1xt£>emes which shall have been proplO¤¢I within: " · » • · . hm Tlurd. For zuitting the vessel without leave after her arrival at th_e port of her ehvery and before she is placed in security, by forfeiture from lus wages of not more than one month's pay.