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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1185

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 153. 1915. 1167 "Fourth. For willful disobedience to any lawful command at sea, D*S°‘°°°*°¤°° °°¤°¤ by being, at the option of the master, placed in irons until such disobedience sha.ll cease, and upon arrival m port by forfeiture from his wages of not more than four days' pa , or, at the discretion of the court, lag imprisonment for not more than one month. "h`if . For continued willful disobedience to lawful command or .,$:‘§'§'°d °"°°°‘“' contmued willful neglect of duty at sea, by being, at the option of the master, placed in irons, on bread and water, with full rationb every fifth day, until such disobedience shall cease, and upon arrival H1 port by forfeiture, for every twenty-four hours’ contmuance of suc disobedience or neglect, of a sum of not more than twelve days' gpsy, or by imprisonment for not more than three months, at the ° cretion of the court. "Sixth. For assaulting any master or mate, by imprisonment for ·"“““”·"’¢°‘“°"· not énore two yealsii d h b D I md " event . or y amaging the vessel, or em ezzl.mg` or b““m,,,?¤¤g **8 V · willfully damaging any of the stores or o, by forfeiture out of m ’m` his wages of a sum equal in amount to the thereb sustained, and ako, at the discretion of the court, by imprisonment for not more than twelve months. "EiIghth. For any act of smuggling for which he is convicted and S"‘““u"" where lyloss or damage is occasioned to the master or owner he shall be liab e to pay such master or owner such a sum as is sufficient to reimburse the master or owner for such lom or damage, and the whole or any part of his w es may be retained in satisfaction or on accoxmt of such liability, anidghe shall be liable to imprisonment for a period of not more than twelve months." Sec. 8. That section forty-six hundred of the Revised Statutes of ,J,,'},§‘,Y°°'°i“‘"°” the United States be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: X,%~s;?g!;·0761"· "Sec. 4600. It shall be the duty of all consular officers to discoun- tenance imuwams. tenance insubordination by egzxiy means in their power and, where ”§'{‘S_ mm,p_m, the local authorities can be ully employed for that purpose, to ¤¤°¤d°°d· lend their aid and use their exertions to at end in the most effectual manner. In all cases where seamen or omcers are accused, the con- {,¤g°*;_*¤c·jg{g· 887 sular officer shall inquire into the facts and proceed as provided in ‘ " ’p` ' section forg-Eve hundred and eighty-three o the Revised Statutes: and the officer discharging such seaman shall enter upon the crew R°°°"’°"“‘°*‘“‘°· list and shipping articles and official log the cause of such discharge and the particulars in which the cruel or unusual treatment consisted and subscribe his name thereto officially. He shall read the entry E“°""i“1°" made in the official log to the master, and his reply thereto, 1f any, shall likewise be entered and subscribed in the same manner." Sec. 9. That section forty-six hundred and eleven of the Revised mE§{f’°'°' "‘""’“` Stlaitutes of the United States be, and is hereby, amended to read as V°*· °°· P· 7***- o ows: USec. 4611. Flogging and all other forms of corporal punishment ,_.§§,°F""‘· °'°·· ‘“"“‘ are hereby prohibited on board of any vessel, and no form of corporal m§&§déy,¤¤~*611·P·8°4· punishment on board of any vessel shall be deemed justifiable, and ` any master or other officer thereof who shall violate the aforesaid provisions of this section, or either thereof, shall be deemed guiltgrof _ a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not less than thee 1,,§‘,,‘,§‘,’?hm°“° ‘°"‘°‘ months nor more than two years. Whenever any officer other than bylgga g{mg*·*°°* if the master of such vessel shall violate any provision of this section, ` it shall be the duty of such master to surrender such omcer to the roper authorities as soon as practicable, provided he has actual Enowledge of the misdemeanor, or complaint thereof is made within three days after reaching port. Any failure on the part of such cU{;,‘;§f,*c{_ ‘°’ “°"‘ master to use due dilggence to comply herewith, which failure shall result in the escape o such officer, shall render the master or vessel