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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1187

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SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 153. 1915. 1].69 "‘(e) That this section shall appl as well to fore` vessels while —'*PP**°**}’*° °° M in waters of the United States, as toyyessels of the U§tlled States, and gwawrs. in Am°d` any master, owner, consignee, or agpnt of any foreign vessel who has violated its provisions shall be lia le to the same penalty that the master, owner, or agent of a vessel of the United States would be for

 violation. { I f th ummndmmm

‘ e master, owner, consignee, or t 0 an vesse o e ummm, United States, or of may foreign vessel clearalice from a port of the United States, all present his shipping articles at the office of clearance, and no clearance shall be granted any such vessel unless the [provisions of this section have been complied with. " (f) That under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce the ,,}§§f""“°'“ *° "° Commissioner of Navigation shall make regulations to carry out this section. ’ ‘ Sec. 12. That no w es due or accruing to any seaman or a ren- -“"°‘“"°”*°'P"°{ tice shall be subject atg attachment or arrestment from an llgurt $mt unsub and every payment of wages to a seaman or apprentice shall be valid in law, notwithstanding any previous sale or assignment of wages or of any attachment, encumbrance, or arrestment thereon; and no assignment or sale of wages or of salvage made prior to the accruing thereof shall bind the Epsrty making the same, except such allotments as are authorized by t title. This section shall apply to fishermen Fishnrmnmunm. em loyed on fishing vessels as well as to seamen: romkied, That {mavnodiing contained in this or any preceding section shall interfere with taped, Y '°"°“ °" the or er by any court regarding the payment by any seaman of any part of his wages for the support and maintenance of his wife and minor children. Section fotrétg-five hundred and thirsgssix of the g·mR;‘,§;.L§’j ““· *’· Revised Statutes of the Uni States is hereby repeal Sec. 13. That no vessel of one hundred tons Qoss and upward {YY .'23“,".§,1‘,‘;, except those navigating rivers exclusively and the smaller inland¤¤1;·r¤‘j{f’6•§€i0¤ me t lakes and except as provided in section one of this Act, shall be ple; uuammd ems. ° mitted to depart from any port of the United States unless she on board a crew not less than seventy-five per centum of which, in each department thereof, are able to understand any order given by the officers of such vessel, nor unless forty per centum in the first s_f;’_*:j”•¢° °¥ •¤i¤ year, forty—’rive per centum in the second year, fifty per centum in the third year, fifty-five per centum in the fourth year after the passage of this Act and thereafter sixty-five per centum of her deck crew exclusive of licensed officers an apprentices, are of a rating not less than able seaman. Every person shall be rated an able mum; or .m• •••- seaman, and qualified for service as such on the seas, who is nineteen m§'§;.,;,,, 0,, ,h,,,,,_ years of age or upward, and has had at least three years’ service on deck at sea or on the Great Lakes on a vessel or vessels to which this section ap lies, including decked vessels, naval vessels or coast guard vessels; and every person sh be rated an able seaman, On Gmc L¤k¤•,·w. and qualified to serve as such on the Great Lakes and on the smaller lakes, bays or sounds, who is nineteen_years of age or upward and has had at least eighteen montbs’ service on deck at sea or on the _ Great Lakw or on the smaller lakes, bays, or sounds, on a vessel or vessels to which this section applies including decked fishing vessels, naval vessels, or coast guard vessels; and graduates of school ships s,,,‘¥;°‘“‘°’ °‘ *°‘*°°* a proved by and conducted under rules prescribed by the Secretary oi) Commerce may be rated able seamen after twelve months’ service at sea.: Promkied, That upon examination, under rules prescribed by {,’{_°y'j,’gi umm the Department of Commerce as to eyesight, hearing; and physical um. condition, such persons or graduates are found to e competent: named Pmmkled further, That upon examination, under rules prescribed by ,,;%,1, ,·..,,»§§°',gR£ the Department of Commerce as to eyesight, hearing, physical con— *°°- dition, and knowledge of the duties of seamanship a person found 91006**-—-vox. 38-r*r 1-—74