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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1188

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1170 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS: Sess. III. C11. 153. 1915. com etent may oe rated as able seaman after having served on deck iwvellve months at sea, or on the Great La.kes· but seamen examined and rated able seamen under this proviso shall not rn any case comose more than one—fourth of the number of able seamen requ1red by this section to be shipped or employed upon any vessel: Owsd *;$,°¤;w_ Any person may make application to any oard of local rnspectors mppumsxaisumgf for a certificate o service as able seaman, and u(pon proof being made to said board by affidavit and examination, un er rules approved by the Secretary of Commerce, showing the nationality an age of the a plicant and the vessel or vessels on which he has had service and tlliat he is entitled to such certificate rmder the provisions of this section, the board of local inslplectors shall issue to said applicant a certificate of service, which sh be retained by him and be accepted as rima. facie evidence of his rating as an able seamen. ,,1§$g{‘ °°'"°°“"“ lgach board of local inspectors shall keep a complete record of all certificates of service issued by them and to whom issued and shall kee on file the ailidavits upon which said certificates are issued. d,},§.'j‘2,,‘?T,°§ ;§§'°,,§‘Z 'Illre collector of customs may, upon his own motion, and shall PIM ****1- upon the sworn information of any reputable citizen of the United States setting forth that this section is not being complied with, cause a muster of the crew of any vessel to be made to determine m¤i¤¤¤¤,n<=¤ W**¤¤¤i<* the fact; and no clearance shall be given to any vessel failing to pmm. comply with the provisions of this section: Prcrmkled, That the ,,,,,"L{° '°' °u“‘°°”" collector of customs shall not be required to cause such muster of the crew to be made unless said sworn information has been filed with him for at least six hours before the vessel departs, or is sched-

f°rm°° uled to depart: Provided further, That any person that shall knowingly make a false affidavit for such purpose shall be deemed guilty

of perjury and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, within the discretion of the

fg;;*;· court. Any violation of any provision of this section by the owner,

as ’ master, or officer in charge of the vessel shall subject the owner of such vessel to zgaenalty of not less than $100 and not more than R•¢¤‘°“°°°#°°°· $500: And promkl further, That the Secretary of Commerce shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessa:-H to carry out the provisions of this section, and nothing herein sh be hel or construed to prevent the Board of Supervising Inspectors, with the approval 0 the Secretary of Commerce from making rules and regulations authorized by law as to vessels excluded from the oper- _ ation of this section. u}_;§f“°""’¢ ’°¥‘“°’ Sec. 14. That section forty-four hundred and eighty-eiiht of the n.s_i:i.·¤.e4ss,p.¤¤s, Revised Statutes is hereby amended by adding thereto e follow- °'i;°.T¤a0¢s¤ps-vn§ mg: "'l`he powers bestowed by this section upon the Board of

§,P,,,‘;°“ Supervising Instpectors in respect of lifeboats, floats, rafts, life prewm lm servers, and_ 0 er life-saving appliances and equipment, and the

"" ‘ further requrrements herein as to davits, embarkation of passengers _ in lifeboats and rafts, and the manning of lifeboats and rafts, and the musters and drills of the crews on steamers navigating the mmm,,¤,y,',,,,5_ ocean, or any lake, bay, or sound of the United States, on and after July_first, nineteen hundred and fifteen, shall be subject to the provisions, limitations, and minimum reqluirements of the regula- Pmm tions herem_ set forth, and all such vessels s all thereafter be required Canplianne by rn,. to comply m all respects therewrthz Promkled, That forei vessels

¤,ts_*°°'¤*¢ leavmg)ports of the nited States_shall comply with the rigs herein

prescrr ed as to hfe-saving appliances, their equipment, and the manmng of same." »