SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 153. 1915. ll7l. REGULATIONS. RE¤UT··*'1‘I0NS· LIFE-Savme Arrniaivoms. ¤¤;%*:;1°;l`;gt app: YDGS srazmaan TYPES or soars. b°m' The standard types of boats classiied as follows; Cmmmum Class. Section. Type. A. Open. Internal buoyancy only. I B. Oqpn. Internal and external - - · · uoyanc . (Entirely wd S1d°S)’ C. Pontoon. %Vell deck; fixed watertight bulwarks. A. Open. Upper part of sides colapsible. . II B. Pontoon. Well deck, collapsible (Partially collapsible sides). water-tight bulwarks. C. Pontoon. Flush deck; collapsible water-tight bulwarks. STRENGTH OF Boars. S¤’¤¤S*h· Each boat must be of sufficient strength to enable it to be safely lowered into the water when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment. ALTERNATIVE TYPES or Boars am: nams. A b,;§`,m'f”’°’°° An t of boat ma be acce ted as uivalent to a boat of one —*°°°P*°m°*YP¢¤· ~ Y YPG Y P 9;,1 of the prescribed classes and any type o raft as epuivalent to an alpproved pontoon raft, if the Board of Supervising igpectors, with t e approval of the Secretary of Commerce, is satisfi by suitable trials t at it is as effective as the standard nttypes of the class in question, or as the approved type of lpontoon r t, as the case may be. Motor boats may be accepted they comggy with the requirements M°t°‘ -°°°t“‘ laid down for boats of the first class, but o y to a limited number, which number shall be determined by the Board of Supervising Ins ectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce. l*l)o boat may be approved the buoyancy of which deiipends lilipon B“°"°°°" the revious adjustment of one of the principal parts 0 the h or whidh has not a cubic capacity of at least one hundred and twenty- five cubic feet. soars or Tim rmsr cnass. F"“"l“"“ The standard types of boats of the first class must satisfy the fol- C°°°m°°"' lowing conditions: 1A.—Orr·:N soars wrrn INTERNAL Buorarzcr ONLY. I¤*°’°“‘ *‘“°Y•¤°¥· The buoyancy of a wooden boat of this type shall be provided by W°°d°° b°““ water-tight air cases, the total volume of which shall be at least equal to one-tenth of the cubic capacity of the boat. The buoyancyoof a metal boat of this type shall not be less than mm b°°“' that required a ve for a wooden boat o the same cubic capacity, the volume of water—tight air cases being increased accordingly. 1B.——O1=nN soars wrrn nvrmmar. am) iaxrnmvar. nuoraxcr. b,{§§§.Y‘L‘§.lf‘“°°‘°“'“‘ The internal buoyancy of a wooden boat of this typg shall be pro- W°°d°° b°°°" vided by water-tight air cases, the total volume of w ch is at least
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1189