SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 153I 1915. 1173 2B.-·PONTOON BOATS HAVING A wnm. nnux AND GOLLAPBIBLE wen deck 1>¤¤¢¤¤¤¤· nULwA:aKs. All the conditions laid down for boats of the 1C. are to be applied °"“‘""°”“· to boats of this type, which differ from those di) type 1C only in regard to the bulwarks. 2C.——PONTOON BOATS, IN wmcu mm 1>nn.soNs CAN NOT nn ACOOMZMO- mg:_=¤ deck pon- DATED Bmnow DECK, HAVING A FLUsH nncx AND OOLLAPSIBLE BULWABKS. The minimum freeboard of boats of this t is independent of “°"“"""*·'· their lengths and depends only upon their depl:-H? The depth of the boat is to be measured vertically from the underside of the arboard strake to the top of the deck on the side amidshi , and the fgeeboard is to be measured from the top of the deck at Ee side amidships to the water level when the boat is loaded. The freeboard in fresh water shall not be less than the following amounts, which are applicable without correction to boats having a mean sheer equal to three per centum of their length: th of Minimum \ Direct. l freeboard. 1 Indus. Inches. 12 2} 18 31 20 5% 30 6) For intermediate depths the freeboard is obtained by interpolation. If the sheer is less than the standard sheer deined above, the minimum freeboard is obtained by adding to the figures in the table one-seventh of the difference between the standard sheer and the actual mean sheer measured at the stem and sternpost. No deduction is to be made from the freeboard on account of the sheer being greater than the standard sheer or on account of the camber of the eck. Moron n0A·rs. Mmmm When motor boats are accepted, the volume of intemal buoyancy ““°Y¤¤°Y· and, when fitted, the external buoyancy, must be fixed, having regard to the difference between the weight o the motor and its accessories and the weight of the additionaFpersons which the boat could accommodate if the motor and its accessories were removed. ARRANGEMENTS Fon CLEARING PONTOON LIFEBOATS or WATER. P°¤°°°'”d All pontoon lifeboats shall be fitted with efficient means for quick] ’*°“”· ’°¤°'*'°°· clearing the deck of water. The orifices for this purpose shall be such that the water can not enter the boat through them when they are intermittingly submerged. The number and size of the oriices shall be determined for eac type of boat by a special test. Tm For the purpose of this test the pontoon oat shall be loaded with a weight o iron or bags of sand, equal to that of its complement of persons and equipment. In the case of a. boat twenty-eight feet in length two tons of water shall be cleared from the boat in a time not exceeding the following: type (Zig, sixty seconds; type 2B, sixty seconds; type 2C, twenty secon .
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1191