1].74: SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Suas. III. Ch. 153. 1915. In the case of a boat having a l h greater or less than twenty- e` ht feet the weight of water to beudgared in the same {311116 shall be, lg . . for each type, directly proportional to the length of the boat. czmammm. CONSTRUCTION or soars. 0v¤¤ mts- Open lifeboats of the hrst class (types IA and 1B; must have a mean sheer at least equal to four per centum of their ength. The air cases of o en boats of the first class shall be placed alongothe sides of the boat; iihey may also be placed at the ends of the at, but not in the bottom of the boat. P<>¤¤¤¤¤=· Pontoon lifeboats may be built of wood or metal. If constructed of wood, they shall have the bottom and deck made of two thicknesses with textile material between; if of metal, they shall be divided into _ wate1·—tight com artments with means of access to each compartment. °°’°"”“ °°" All boats shall, be fitted for the use of a steering oar. P¤¤¤>¤¤ me PONTOON narrs. » °°‘“““°‘“‘ No type of pontoon raft may be approved unless it satisfies the following conditions: ‘ First. It should be reversible and fitted with bulwarks of wood, canvas, or other suitable material on both sides. These bulwarks ma be collapsible. &cond. It should be of such size, strength, and weight that it can be handled without mechanical appliances, and, if necessary, be thrown from the vessel’s deck. Third. It should have not less than three cubic feet of air cases or e uivalent bucgancg for each dperson whom it can accommodate. qFourth. It oul have a eck area of not less than four s uare feet for each lperson whom it can accommodate and the plagform shpulgeniot be ess than six inches above the water level when the raft IS oa . Fifth. The air cases or equivalent buoyancy should be placed as near as possible to the sides of the raft. ‘°°P°°“*’· caracrrr or Boars Arm PONTOON narrs. °°¤*P“°°°*°°· First. The number of persons which a boat of one of the standard types or a pontoon raft can accommodate is equal to the greatest whole number obtained by dividing the capacity in cubic feet, or the surface in square feet, of the boat or of the raft by the standard imit of capacity, or unit of surface (according to circumstances), defined below for each typp. °“'>*° °°¥’°°“>’· Second. The cu ic cgpacity in feet of a boat in which the number of persons is determin by the surface shall be assumed to be ten times the number of persons which it is authorized to carry. ““¤'*“d “°“* Third. The standard units of capacit and surface are as follows: Units of capacity, open boats, type li ten cubic feet; open boats, t 1B, nine cubic feet. yglinit of snuface, open boats, type 2A three and one·half square feet; pontoon boats, type 2C, three and one-half square feet; pontoon boats, type 1C, three and one—fourth square feet; pontoon boats, type 2B, three and one-fourth square feet. ` mf;§§:§,§,fg;_;?,gm_°' ourth. The board of supervising inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, may accept, in place of three and onefourth, a smaller divisor, if it is satisfied after trial that the number of persons for whom there is seating accommodation in the pontoon boat in question is greater than the number obtained by applying the above divisor, {provided always that the divisor adopted in place of three and one- ourth may never be less than three.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1192