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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1202

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1184 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 153. 1915. the buoys to which they belong, with the necessary means of attachment. Awasmmzy. Fifth. All the life buo s and life jackets shall be so_placed as to be readily accessible to the persons on board; their position shall be plainly indicated so as to be known to the persons concerned. Penaltyloriailure or The life buois shall always be capable o being rapidly cast loose §,_§;’,§c‘{“‘*’ mm and shall not e permanently secured in any way. e owner of any vessel who neglects or refuses to provide an eqmp vessel with such lifeboats, floats, rafts life pxreservers, line—car·rying projectiles, and the means of propelling them, drags, fpumps, or other appliances, as are required imder the {provisions o this section, or rmder the regulations of the Board o Supervising Inspectors, approved by the Secretary of Commerce, authorized by and ma e ?¤¤¤¤¢r£st¤¤¤¤¤¤· pursuant hereto, shall be fined not less than $500, nor more than °!”m°°° °" $5,000, and every master of a vessel who shall fail to comgly with the req_uirements of this section, and the regulations of the oard of Supervising Inspectors, approved by the Secretary of Commerce, authorized by and made pursuant hereto, shall u on conviction be n.s.,m4m,p.s¢ss, Hned not less than $50, nor more than $500. Section forty-four ”*’°“'°°‘ hundred and eighty-nine of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed. aspen or mama Sec. 15. That the owner, agent, or master of every barge which, f,°,,,,‘Z,§'F“ m “"' '°' while in tow through the open sea, has sustained or caused any acci- V°L *8- 1*-12* dent, shall- be subject in all respects to the provisions of sections ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen of chgpter three hrmdred and forty-four of the Statutes at Large approv June twentieth, e` hteen hundred and seventy-four, and the reports therein preseribtig shall be transmitted by collectors of customs to the Secretary of Commerce, who shall transmit annually to Congress a summary of such reports during the previous fiscal year, together with a brief statement of the action of the department in respect to such accidents. fompw :g_{¤$*¤ Sec. 16. That in the judgment of Congress articles in treaties and ercaming ssamhn 66 conventions of the United States, in so far as they provide for the "°‘°"'“’““°‘ arrwt and imprisonment of officers and seamen deserting or charged with desertion from merchant vessels of the United States in foreign countries, and for the arrest and imprisonment of officers and seamen deserting or chagged with desertion from merchant vessels of foreign nations rn the nited States and the Territories and possessions thereof, and for the cooperation, aid, and protection of competent leglal authorities in effecting such arrest or imprisonment and any ot er treaty provision in conflict with the grovisions of this Act, ,“’f,‘§,§°‘;,_§$B,‘{,°,¤g',§{g?}’ ought to be terminated, and to this end the resident be, and he is hereby requested and directed, within ninety days after the passage of this Act, to give notice to the several Governments, respectively, that so much as hereinbefore described of all such treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign Governments will terminate on the expiration of such periods after notices have been given as may be required in such treaties and conventions. mphaon ,;;..,,0. Sec. 17. That upon the expiration after notice of the periods

    • °°· required, respectivel , by said treaties and conventions and of one

yearm the case of thre independent State of the Kongo, so much as erembefore described in each and every one of said articles shall be deemed and held to have e ired and to be of no force and effect, and R.S.,sec.5m0,p.102s, thereupon section fifty-two?undred and eight and so much of section

 ,,,,,1,,, ,8,,, four thousand and eighty-one of the Revised Statutes as relates to the

¤¤=¤¤·i·¤- ‘ arrest or imprisonment of officers and seamen deserting or charged _ with desertion from merchant vessels of foreign nations in the United States and Territories and ions thereof, and for the cooperation, ard, and protection of competent legal authorities in effectxg such arrest or imprisonment, shall be, and is hereby,