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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1203

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 153-155. 1915. 1185 Sec. 18. That this Act shall take effect, as to all vessels of the '"'”°°"***”¢°'°°'· United States, eight months after its passage, and as to foreign vessels twelve_ months after its passage, except that such parts hereof as are_ m conflict with articles of any treaty or convention with any foreign nation shall take effect as regards the vessels of such fore? nation on the expiration of the period fixed in the notice gi: Xogation of the said articles as provided in section sixteen of ct. Sec. 19. That section sixteen of the Act approved December ,b§`?,§1.£°” °'“°]“"“'d twenty-first, eighteen and ninety-eight entitled "Ar1 Act to amend the laws relating to American seamen, for the rotection of such seamen, and to promote commerce/’ be amended by adding. at the end of the section the following: "Pro*mZded, That at the discretion 0 the Secretary of Commerce, ,,$,$;'§2,},‘§,, and under such regulations as he may dglrescribe, if any seaman in- a¤}*°i§i$g°¤“81»P·$$7» capamtated from service by injury or ess is on board a vessel so Vol. `:¤>, p. no, situated that a prompt requiring the personal appearance "m°“°°° of the master 0 the vessel ore an American consul or consular agent rs impracticable such seaman may be sent to a consul or consular agent, who shall care for him and defray the cost of his maintenance and transportation, as provided in this paragraph? _ Sec. 20. That in any suit to recover damages for any injury sus- §"§,{,';,,f“’,,2'§,, tained on board vessel or in its service seamen having command ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- shall not be held to be fellow-servants with those under their authority. Approved. March 4, 1915. cnn. isa.-an Aa Authorizing are rieaaaa to reinstate Joseph nm Austin ";§€°li?£§i‘ ae an ensiga in the United States Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ogglepresentatives of the United States ¢g’Ameriea in Congress assembled, t the President be, and he }`{,§,",§;, mm Aumn is here y, authorized, b§and with the advice and consent of the Sen- gg ba ¤PP°i¤¤¤<* ¤¤· ate, to apfoint Joseph liot Austin an ensign in the United States ' Navy an after one year’s service as ensign he shall be alpromoted to ?¤¤¤°**°¤ the grade of lieutenant, 'unior grade, as an addition number in that ade and in any grade to which he may thereafter be promoted to tai; rank with and next after the officer at the foot of the list of lieutenants, junior grade, at the date of the approval of this Act: Prmniled, That the said Joseph Eliot Austin, after one year’s service 1I;;••f·{,¤;Mm m as ens° n, shall establish to the satisfaction of the Secretaiy of the ’ Navy,ll> examination pursuant to law, his physical, ment , moral, and professional fitness to perform the duties of lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy. Approved, March 4, 1915. cna:-·. isa.-Aa Act Auamazan the sem or ure rum to · “*'°°‘·“’“ section thirty-three of the public buildings Act otfaldllarch fourth, ninbyteen and thirteen, as to site at Wpneland, New Jersey. [P“w°* N°‘ 30*] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United States of Amerilgz in Oemgress assembled, Tgtthe Secretary of the ¥*,'}§{‘$’·N;,,{;,dmg Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his d1scretion,_to disre- gy ¤¤x>¤=¤r¤ mods gard that ortion of section thirty-three of the dpublic buildings Act, viii. s:·,p.aaa. approved Eiarch fourth, nineteen hundred an thu·teen, which reuires that the Federal building site selected at Vineland, New Jersey, sdiall be bounded on at least two sides by streets. Approved, March 4, 1915. 91006°-—vor. 38-rr 1-75