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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1208

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1190 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cns. 164-167. 1915. exported from the United States are, so far as applicable hereby extended to like articles ulpon which an internal-revenue tax has been paid when shipped from the United States to the island of Porto Rico or to the Philippine Islands. Approved, March 4, 1915. M¤=°¤4·1m cmu-. res.-As Act To re te t use of ubuc bun ‘ me un

 in me District ofCo1umbia. gm he P °°h°°1 dmg° gm d°

- 0 Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United g=I=t¤§l`tbi¤(ii1d]ii¤t%i;Z States of Ameridd/in Congress assembled, Thad"` the control of the public Z*fit$°eZe;`§°gs?€`£_ °' schoolis in tha Diistricg of Columbiia by tlpehboareglpf eailucpttlioipgilhall exten to, in u e, an compriset euseo the u `csc oo ui 'ngs and grounds by pupils of the public schools, pthleir children and adults, for supplementary_educat1pnal purposes, civic meetings for the free discussion of public questions, social centers, centers of recreation, playgrounds. The privilegp of using said buildings and grounds for any of said purposes may e grante by the board upon such terms and conditipns and under such rules and regulations as the board ma rescn e.

   2. That the board of education is authorized to acce t, upon

‘°°““'°”·°*°· written recommendation of the superintendent of schools, lfree and voluntary services of the teachers of the public schools, other educators, lecturers and social workers and public officers of theUnited §,",'?,Y’§{,‘f,:·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ States and the District of Columbia: Provided, That teachers of the tw. ¤¢<=· public schools shall not be required or compelled to perform any such services or solicited to make any contri ution for such purposes: mglggygmf b¤¤¤· Provided further, That the ppblic school buildings and grounds of the District of Columbia shall e used for no purpose whatsoever other than those directly connected with the pu lic school system and as further provided or in this Act. p_,°°:{f*°'·*¤¢ ***5 '°· Sec. 3. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, March 4, 1915. rliiliiilikiislij CHAP. 166.-·An Act To authorize the pommimioners of the of ('blumbia

 zoadgustandsettletheahortagesmcertamaccountsofnaidDistrict,and forot.her

Bc it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United i)?;ir»§»iriii31`$l¤mbi°5 States of America in Congress assemble! Thzgt the Commiissioners of §f°§f’_.__ %$“ °' the District of Columbia are authorized and directed to adjust and settle the shortages in certain accounts of said District arisin through the defalcation of J. M. A. Watson, former? an employee otg the Government of said District, by paying into the Trcas1u·y of the United States the sum of $63,939.96, to e credited as follows: MisceHaneous F mmm receipts, United States, $10,623.75; miscellaneous trust-fund de osits, mntim °°°°` District of Columbia, $51,556.22, and permit fimd, District of Cixlumbia, $1,759.99. There is hereby appropriated to carry into effect the provisions of this Act the sum of $63,939.96, to be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, March 4, 1915. lgmli1.isi$ii.5j (IHA?. 167.-An Act To plrovide for recognizing the services of certain officers of ····—··+——- the Army, Navy and Public ealth Service for their services in connection with the [P°m"’· N°· 31*] construction of the Panama Canal, to extend to certain of such officers the thanks of Congress, and for other purposesmammamcm. Be it enactedby Senate and House of Repreeentat·£ves of the Umled ""‘“"'*· S¢atssof Americam0ongressasse1nbled,ThatthsthanksofCongress