SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CHS. 161-164. 1915. .1189 furnish him with a ma drawn on tracin linen showing the definite location width of diich proposed roaci and no such road shall be laid out until after it has received the a proval of suchsu eriutendent. Sec. 2. That the legal authorities charged with the dlfity of la ° ,,v£,"bP§$q‘gm“},§"°,§ out and ipening pub c roads_ and highways under the laws of the *°¤**¤°· State of ontana, having jurisdiction over any territory embraced within any Indian reservation m Montana, are hereby authorized and em(piowered to lay out and open public roads within any of the said In an reservations in conformity to and in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana relat' to the la out and opening` of public roads, and that any road when so laid out an 1,,,,,,,, opened shall be deemed a leg road: Provided, That such road Restricted mdun authorities shall, in addition to notifying the landowners as provided l°°d" m the State laws, likewise serve notice upon the superintendent in charge of the restricted Indian lands upon which it is proposed to lay out_ a public road, and shall also finnish him with a map drawn on tracing linen showing the definite location and width of such proposed road, and no such road shall be laid out until after it has received the approval of such superintendent. Approved, March 4, 1915. D 162.-An Act Authorizing the sale of lands in Lyman County, South ?f°Il'_ o . i.._; [Publis, No. 311.] Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re entatives 0 the United States of Ammilczh in Oongreas assembled, Tgdlssthe Secretary of the §,P‘,'§,“°,,g°'§°$,; mm Interior, in his discretion, be, and he is hereb , authorized to sell for ggxyhgwbniivrgglq cash under such rules and regulations as he mai prescribe, the mmol. ' . unallotted, unreserved, and unentered lands in yman County, South Dakota, formerly in the part of the Sioux Indian Reservation V°*· “°· *" 896* which was restored to the public domain by the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. Approved, March 4, 1915. cmu-. 163.-An Act Providing sor the pmtm of ». site for a public building at }‘;;‘f°{,‘_ 13,%,31% Binghamton, New York. Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United States of Ammwigb in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Eg§‘ll`§§.°§°T;t):`R“,r; Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire by P¤'>“° Wl ***8 •°· urchase, condemnation, or otherwise, a suitable site for a public Building in the city of Binghamton, New York, for the use and accommodation of the post office, courts, and other governmental offices _ _ at a limit of cost or the said site not to eirceed $100,000. _ L“‘“”°‘°°"· And the Secretary of the Treasury is further authorized and ,m§,§,§gg°§,¤Pf,§,§,*;,;‘°E directed to sell, at such time and upon such terms as he may deem for mn ¤¢¤¤w· the best interests of the United States, the present Federal biuldmg and the site thereof at Binghamton, New York, and convey the lastmentioned property to the purchaser thereof by the usual deed, and to de osit the proceeds derived from such s e m the Treasury of the {limited States as a miscellaneous receipt, such sale to be made after the completion and occupancy of said new building. Approved, March 4, 1915. CHAP. 164.-An Act To proyide for the allowance of drawback of tax on articles lligciii. shipped to the island of Porto Rico or to the Plulippme Islands. Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Representatives of the rmemi menus. States of Ameried/in Congress assembled, That all provisions of existing ,m]§g"I§;,*‘;°,,‘$, ,‘},“§f,',‘§ laws for the allowance of drawback of internal-revenue tax on articles meow- Philippines
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1207