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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1216

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1198 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 177, 178. 1915. Merch 4,1915. CHAP. 17 .—-An A t Levahzmgc ' certain conve ces heretofore made b the [S' 50**] Central Pacifil: Railroad: Company and others withinyttlila State of Nevada. Y [P°bh°’ N°' 3%) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §:§f,§f·P,cmc md States of America in Congress assembled, That all conveyances heretogmms. fore made on *0r before Janua first, e' hteen hundred and eightly- i,,§K?,Z‘£iT““°°" und"' tive, b the Central Pacific llgailroad Com any of California, the CentralYPacific Railroad Comdpany, or the Central Pacific Railway Company, or the Contract an Finance Company, to the extent that the conveyances of the latter compan were founded upon convey- ances ori ally made by above-named railway compames, or either or any oflilliem or their assigns of or concerning land formingilplart of the right of way and now within the corporate town or city its of the towns or cities of Elko, Carlin, Reno, Wells, and Winnemucca, in the State of Nevada, granted by the Government by the Act of v.,;,u,p,»5_ Congress of Jul iirst, eighteen imdred and sixty-two, entitled "An Act to aid the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal militatiiy, and other purposes," and all other Acts of Congrem amendatory ereof or supp ementary thereto are hereby legalized, validated, and confirmed to the extent that the same would have been legal or valid if the land involved therein affected by this Act had been held by the corporation makiéilg suchhconvegances gmder alggolute or fee—simple title, subject to e con `tions ereina ter stat . -*°°°P“¤°°· Sec. 2. That this Act shall have no validating force until the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California, or its assigns, shall tile with the Secrgtary of the Interior an instrument in writing accept- ` its terms an provisions. d,§$§}gh;,{_ "°Y ¤°’ 3. That nothing herein contained shall have the effect to diminish said rivht of way to a less width than fifty feet on each side of the center ol the mam track of the railroad as now established and maintained. Approved, March 4, 1915. u?§h5:,;&?l5· {CH3?. 1;*8.-—An Act (iauthorizitngl grae Secretary of War to make certain donations --——... officen emu cannonan cannon . [Public, No. 327.] obsenae mmm. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,,£‘j"°“°““ ““"‘°" States of America in Con ess assemble , That the Secretary of War be an he is hereby autiibrized, in his discretion, to deliver- §g§“,;§,,°§,*’i,0s,_ To Topeka Post, Numbered Seventy-one, Grand Army of the Re- Eiblic, for use in its plat in the Mount Auburn Cemetery in Topeka, ansas, four condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces; g§§,f’{,”§,,’f,‘;,”,§;,s,_ To the O. M. Mitchell Post, Numbered Sixty-nine, Grand Army of the Repubéicih Osborne, Kansas, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or e ieccsz °°°°°"”“· K'““· To the city ol Concordia Kansas, to be mounted in the courthouse square in tfliiglsaid city of Concordia, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or pieces; E“'·“b°““°“- *’* To the Masonic homes property at Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, foipi corfidemned Egplsnze or brass cannon or fieldpieces and a suitable ou t 0 cannon · “*°*’°"’·K*“*’· To the city of Staiiord, Kansas, one condemned bronze or brass cannon; g$3iki>lmr°;§t"{“ To Wadsworth Post, Numbered Seven, Grand Army of the Republic, Council Grove, Kansas, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or Eeldpieces and a suitable outht of cannon balls; §",,,‘{,‘§‘§°;,§‘;',}°,L To Custer Post, Numbered Twenty-five, Grand Army of the Re- Eublic, Cherokee, Iowa two condemned bronze or brass cannon or eldpieces and a suitable outht of cannon balls ;