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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1217

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SIXTY~THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ca. 178. 1915. 1199 To Post Three hundred and five Grand Arm of the Republic '*`°"°·¤d°»K¤¤=- Trgsganda, Kansas, one condemned bronze or braids cannon oi? field; cmd Amyp°°f pi e; _ _ To the village of Ellsworth, Wisconsin, two condemned bronze or E“”°*’°h»W¤ brass cannon or fieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the town of Eagle River, Wisconsin, two condemned bronze or amt mm, wa. brass cannon or fieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the Grand Army of the Republic ost, Chariton, Iowa, two g***"g°¤·*°W¤· condemned bronze or rass cannon or fielspieces and a suitable out» mi Amy°°°t' fit of cannon ba.lls· _To the town oi New Preston, Connecticut, to be placed in the Nw *’*°¤*°¤·°¤¤¤- villagle cemetery of that town, one condemned bronze or brass cannon °”<? ‘i£‘°`§‘ e Litt r N t 0 e . . y ost, um eredOnehundredande` hteen N°"P°**»¥•· Grand Army of the Republic, Newport, Maine, one conlgemned Gmc Mun"` grplgze or brass cannon or iieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon

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_ To the incorporated town of Alden, Iowa, to be mounted and used Am"- *°"•~ in the public park of said town, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or field§ece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls· To General azen Post, Numbered Two hundred and fifty-eight' g*¤°*§¤_&;•¤=· Grand Army of the Republic, Lincoln, Kansas, one condemned M yp°°f Egeflrgze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and a suitable outnt of cannon To the town of Nottingham, New Hampshire, to be used in the N°*“¤¢*””¤· NJ- publxc square in said town, four condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outnt of cannon balls; To the city of Pittsburg, Oklahoma, one condemned bronze or brass P**'>*b*¤‘¤· 0*1*- cannon or fieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the town of West Warwick, Rhode Island, to be used in the W¤°W¤’W*¢k·R~i· soldiers’ park m said town, four condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldspieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To axwcll-McKean Post, Numbered One, Grand Army of the g¤¤r;¤1&¤_{¤¤i¢y.U¤¤¤· Republic, Salt Lake City, Utah, one condemned bronze or brass my wf cannon or fieldpiece and a. suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the village of Paynesville, Mmnesota, to be aplaced on the tract P•v¤·¤v1¤¤·1¤¤¤- of land lately given to the said village by the loc camp of the Sons of Veterans, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the town of Newark, Delaware, three condemned bronze or brass N·w¤¤=· 1***- cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outfit of camion balls; To the town of Derry, in the State of New Hampshire, two cen- D°¤’>’·N·¤· demned bronze or brass cannon or iicldpieces and carriages, together with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, to be used m connection with the soldiers’ monument in said town; To the city of Tallahassee, Florida, two condemned bronze or brass T¤¤=¤¤¤¤•·· F*·· cannon or iicldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the cit of Yazoo, in the State of Mississippi, to be placed in Y=¤<>¤,1¤¤· Lintonia Public Park one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon_balls; _ To the proper authorities of Columbia County, m the State of wgscihmbn county, Washin ton, two condemned bronze or brass cannon and_ a smtable outfit og cannon balls; to be placed in the public square m the city of Da ton; _ To the order of the Dan McCook Post, Numbered One hundred and ‘ §§§¤€n°?g·y wm five, of the Grand Army of the Republic, in the State of Washington, N¤.1G5. one condemned bronze or brass cannon or Heldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls: _ To deliver to the Fort Totten Indian School, at Fort Totten, in the State of North Dakota, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece, with its carriage and a suitable outiit of cannon balls;