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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1226

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1208 s1X·rY-·rH11<1> CONGRESS. sm. III. GH. 178. 1915. C¤¤¤b¤**¤¤d·V¤· To donate to the town of Cumberland, Virginia, two cannon or fieldpieces, with their carriages, not needed for present service, to be mounted on either side of the Confederate monument in the said town of Cumberland, in the State of Virginia; B§,$,{,‘§$§‘,,,_{§"‘“‘°* To the trustees of the Gordon Institute, located at Barnesville, 4M¢·P·1°S4· Geor 'a, ten condemned cannon, the same being ten twelve-pound N apdlieon gims now located at the United States Arsenal in An sta, Georgia, and being condemned and not fitted for use by the mgilzary forces of the United States; also a suitable outfit of cannon balls; {sind thegecreiigry raf War is hergby autheggzhid and directed to deversai ten aoeon unsan cann t tht t fth said Gordon Institute; g on 0 0 ms ws 0 6 ‘(§‘§,§§“f.f;;, pm To the town of Clinton, Maine, for the use of the Grand Arm post oftghat town, ons condzpned tlgironge or brass cannon or fielcipiece, wi carriagean suita eou to ballsth t·b Glenwood S moimted placed by direction of the(i}a1iiaIii)<l1A1my,post?; Same 0 8 wm P""°‘· To the city of Glenwood Sprmgs, in the State of Colorado, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and carriage, together ··¤¤~=·¤—¤»k~ “ili>“tf§°$l€§? gi1t§Ji1l)drcaSld11i)t1hb]ii>li.Shi>‘iz1atvd1(id)l,:roaI:l1dS; (1 b — , n emne ronze or - brass cannon or iieldpiece, with carriage and a suitable outfit of mdmmwmpm cannon balls, _ O . T3 the ézoiyn of Midcgletown, m the Sggltg of Pennsylvama, two con emne ronze or rass cannon r , ‘th th ° - W Ohh riagesand a suitable outtitof cannon balls; places wl mr car `““" ‘am·:.i%*·:,.;?.‘,sz:{,,1;”;:·;¤.?k;“%1 ash? S“a°* °*1*°· am 2;* e rece an cam e, oge er with a suitable outfit of cannon balls forptwo syramidsfiigo be placed E the cemetery in said village as a memori to the soldiers there S°"°“‘ °P'°”“*“l‘· To the town of Siloam Springs, in the county_ of Benton and State of Arkansas,_four condemned cannon or fieldpieces, with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls; T°”° H°“°°* 1“°· o the city of Terre Haute, in the coimty of Vigo, State of Indiana, fg; the use of Memorial, Riverside, and_Voorhees Parlxs, in said city ztssbisziassicissz fsissm *1;* M was and ami · m"”°’wl°' To the trustees of Rhine Center Cemlial-is- , in ithe town of Rhine, in the county of Sheboygan and State of %isconsi.n, two bronze or brass cannon or Heldpieces, with their carriages, not needed for

l:c;; be placed on the lot of the Union Soldiers}

P"”°°°°”' M°‘ b To the clity of Princeton,;ii1ighp State o§1Milssouri, two condemned ronzeor rasscannonor e_1e , 't t ` d 'h gggzlgg ggtgt oft cgnnoln ndgudteg fdgiirpiigsrgntggzrzilcefthe oun e an use m ‘ ‘ · N°"°"’°m°’ To the village of Newtown, in thi; (d•ount5:“diwE i1n:1iiildS:ti;nl;’e of Ohio, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece with mmm In its carriage and a suitable outit of cannon balls; i ’ To the city of Elkhart, Indiana, two condemned bronze or brass R‘.l‘2.0‘3fb’E§“i2‘i-°‘E“ °“d °°“*‘.—1’?°€’§°g°fh°”d'”‘£‘h“ ”"““`§L° ‘E“‘°° wo , o e ace . mk_mm_ nikhm City B¤11¢11¤g, 1m1aam£ m ° gmn ° th° b To the céty of McAlester§13dthe State <g\(Z§l8ahoma, four condemned ronze or rass cannon or ‘ · ‘ · outfit of cannon balls. pieces, wi ir carriages and suitable J¤¤m¤¤n,0hb. . , 'l`o the village of Johnstown, in the county of Lickirgg and State of Ohio, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fi dpieces, with $11: carntzgt? audi a xugblcggitiggg c;u&1on balls, to be subject at tunes e or er e re o ar;