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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1227

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. III. C11. 178. 1915. 1209 To the city of Mount Vernon New York, one condemned bronze “°¤¤°V¤¤¤¤·N·Y- or brass cannon or Heldpiece and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the town of Salisbury in the State of Maryland, two condemned S°"’l’“"" mh bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls for use in the courthouse square; To the city of Sylvester, two condemned bronze or brass sy"°“°"°"‘ cannon or fie dpieces with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls, as ornaments to the public square around courthouse; To the city of Clinton, ouri, two condemned bronze or brass °u"t°“’“°’ cannon {gugieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon ; To Othe village of Deladeld, in the county of Waukesha, in the State D°'°°"m’w“‘ of Wisconsin, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or Heldpieces with their carriages and with suitable outfit of cannon balls for two pyramids, not needed for present service; To the city of Marion, county of Williamson, State of Illinois, two ¥¤¤'*¤¤»m- condemned ronze or brass cannon of full size or Beldpieces with carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls for use in the public square; To the town of Maryville, Tennessee, two bronze or brass cannon ¥¤*m•·'¤`¤¤¤· or fieldpieces, with their carriagles, not needed for present service, the same to be placed in the ub `c park of said town of Maryville; To donate to the town of lilouston, Halifax County, Virginia, one H°““”°“’*v“‘ bronze or brass cannon for use on the public square of said town; _ To the city of Covington, Kentucky two condemned bronze or °°“""°‘“"K" brass cannon, with carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls, to be mounted in the Bublic park of said cit ; · To the towns of ardanelle and Danvihe, State of Arkansas, two ,,mD£_°u°"*“dD“"' condemned bronze or brass cannon of full size, or iieldpieces, with carriages and suitable outfit of cannon balls for use of pprks; To the town of Manassas, Virginia, two bronze or rass cannon, ¤=¤=¤¤¤¤»‘V¤· with a suitable outfit of cannon balls; To the city of Stromsburg, State of Nebraska, one condemned S"’°“""‘“g· N°b’· bronze or brass cannon or fie dpiece, with carriage and suitable outfit of cannon balls for use of public park; _ To the town of liussellville, Kentucky, for the Confederate Menu- R“”°“"‘“°·K" rgiaelpst, two cannon, with their carriages and suitable outfit of cannon To, the Grand Army of the Republic post of Morgantown, Ken- ff,g,"g‘,"}_°,‘,§,’;·,§‘(,{,';_ tucky), for the Federal monument, two cannon and their camages and suita le outfit of cannon balls; _ _ _ To the city of Aberdeen, Washington, for use mjixubhc park, two *“’°·’°'°“·‘“"’· condemned bronze or brass cannon or Heldpieoes, wit their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ _ _ B0 dm Va To donate to the town of Boyldton, Virginia, two cannon or- field- Y ‘ piece carria es not needed for the present service, to mount cannon on either side of the Confederate Monument on the coiuthouse square in said town, in the State of Virginia; _ To the town of Guthrie Center, Iowa, two condemned bi-ass or ,0§:*h"° °°¤‘°’· bronze cannon, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ Two bronze or brass cannon and two pyram1ds_0f cannon balls for §§:°;f’{§{,{“"· Soldiers' Monument at the city; of Vmcennes, indiana; _ Enum Ky Two condemned bronze or rass cannon, with their carriages and ` with pyramid of balls for the courthouse yard at Stanford, Kentucky, sub`ect at all times to the orders of the Secretary of War; 'Ilo the town of Anadarko, Oklahoma, two bronze or brass cannon A¤“’°"‘°·°“’* or fieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls for three pyramids; Bardstown Ky To the cit of Bardstown, Kentucky, to be qlaccd on grounds of the ’ ' public building in said citiy, two condemned ronze or brass cannon or Heldpieces and a suitab e outfit of cannon balls;