SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sues. III. Ch. 178. 1915 1211 To the city of Crete, State of Nebraska, one condemned bronze or C*°*°»N¤*>¤‘- brass cannon or iieldpiece with carriage, and suitable outfit of cannon balls for use of park; Two condemned bronze cannon to be placed alongside of General Nw YM, N- Y. Franz Siegel statue on the Riverside Drive, New York City; Bi°g°I °m“°‘ Two condemned bronze or brass cannon or field ieces and a suitable Ev°'°"* Wmoutfit of cannon balls for display purposes in public parks of the city of gverellzt, n; or the ran y of the Republic of the cit of Harrisbu H‘“"S*"“¤·P¤- Pennsylvania., two condemned broiize or brass canrim or fieldpiedgs Gmd Amy post with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ For the public sguare in front of the townshi hall of North Bergen, N°"“‘ B°¤=°¤· N- J- m the county of udson and State of New Jiersey, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpieces with their carriages with suitable i ourgfit og caémon balllflflor two paqamids; o the eorgia 'tary Ac em at Coll e Park, Georvia, two ‘§,f°,§,§f“ ·m“*·°’Y brass or bronze cannon or iieldpieceysl with a slfitable number? of can- %¤rkiiG¤ y' Comm non balls for pyramid; To the city of Pasadena, California, for the use of the Spanish War P’*“‘}d°““· C°*· Veterans of said city of Pasadena, one condemned bronze or brass cannon or fieldpiece and ca.rriage, together with a suitable outiit of cannon balls; Two condemned bronze or brass cannon and two amids of Xi,{’,,°:°',§_“°;*§¤{,{’d‘ inarélnon balls‘for the soldiers’ monument at the city ofglfmcennes, ana; — Two condemned bronze or brass cannon for the battle ground of A§°‘s° S"°° B“"’· the Horse Shoe Bend, in the State of Alabama; To the Grand Army of the Republic of the city of Lebanon, Perm- };°,§,§‘,.}°§·,,§fj,·,,_,,,_ sylvania, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or Heldpieces with t eir carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ To the city of Americus, in the county of Sumter, and State of ·°*'“°“°““·G“· Georgia, two condemned bronze or brass cannon with their carria es and a suitable outfit of cannon balls for use in the public park; togbe subject at all times to the order of the Secretary of War; S mt One condemned bronze or brass cannon with cannon balls to the citnieiizultillisliian College of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be placed in the ""°“‘“· public ark of such college; E, Pm ,,,_ To the Grand Army of the Republic post, El Paso, Illinois, two G*¤¤¤ imypwr. condemned bronze or brass cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls to be placed in the public parks; ,,,,,,,0,,),, h Phu Two condemned bronze or brass cannon with sufficient cannon balls aayniia, rag ' to the Hattie A. Jones Post, Grand Army of the Republic, for menu- “""‘“' Amy *’°°’· ment in Lexington Cemetery, Roxborough, Philade phia; ,.8,,,5,,, ,,a_ To the Grand Army of the Republic of the city of Carlisle, Penn- Gr¤¤<1}\¤¤y1>¤¤¢- s lvania, two condemned bronze or brass carmon or iieldpieces with their carriages and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; Mmm, ,,8 To the town of Marion, Virginia, two condemned bronze or brass ’ ` cannon or iieldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; York Pl To the city of York, Pennsylvama, two condemned bronze or ’ brass cannon and a suitable outfit of cannon balls‘ Hu,c,,,m Km, To the city of Hutchison, Kansas, two condemned bronze or ' brass cannon and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; _ Wm Pmddpm To Fairview Council numbered fiftycitwo, Jumor Order of United Pxmy rm, to Fup American Mechanics, West Philadelp a, Pennsylvama, fifty Army view emma;. o. U. rifles not needed for present service, the same to be the property of *`*·“· said coimcil and to be used drill practice; For the city of Omaha, Nebraska, to be placed on the courthouse °“'“*‘“· Nm'- grounds in Omaha, two bronze or brass cannon with suitable appurtenances with the necessary cannon balls for gyrarmds to commemorate the deeds of the veterans of the Civil and pamsh—An1er1ca.n Wars;
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1229