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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1230

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1212 SIX'I`Y·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crrs. 178-180. 1915. M¤¤i¤>¤· °¤l¤· To the town of Manitou, State of Colorado, two bronzeor brass cannon, with a suitable outfit of cannon balls for display in a public _ park or square in said city; isiut 1·¤¤iSd¤g, For Saint Louis, Missomi, two condemned bronze or brass cannon mutiny m ml or iieldpgaloces and shell and mountings for the Army and Navy Club at Saint uis, Miss` ouri; R“g"Y» N- mh To the town of Rugby, North Dakota, to be placed in the county , courthouse grounds, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or fiel - pieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls; D“’°¤¢°·°°'°· To the city of Durango, Colorado, two condemned bronze or brass cannon or Heldpieces and a suitable outfit of cannon balls. §{,°'{‘·’•x‘;ém ,0, dg Promkled, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States livery- through the delivery of any of the foregoing condemned m1l1tary geiiletiy}?. W °'d°” °I equi ment: And provided farther, That each and evgrliy article of condlemned military equipment covered by this Act sh be subject ’ at all times to the order of the Secretary of War. Approved, March 4, 1915. ' “‘}§.‘E“7i£¥““ 1vo.-an aa To increase me limit ot eta of the umm sms pmtomcs

 building at Garden Cxty, Kansas.

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatipes eifthe United I°§‘,',,‘g,°",,"§"§;,,,% States ry America in 0 ess assembled, That the limit o cost of the srwgd, public buiw- United States post-oiiiggbuilding at Garden City, Kansas, be, and the mg ° same is hereby, increased $6,050, or so much thereof as may be necess to meet the additional cost of construction of said uilding in oiddyer to make the building more substantial and iireproof, as estimated by the contractor or additional Hreproof construction and other betterments. Approved, March 4, 1915. liarclu, 1915. is- 73611 CHAP. 180.-An Act Authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Interior to

 patent certain lands to the State of Utah and to accept relinquishment from the State

of Utah of certain other lands m lieu thereof. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re§reaentati*vee of the United §I;‘§,',~§%§§“,‘f,“g,,,,_,,_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of , the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to patent to the State of Utah the following described lands situated in the State of Utah, to wit: D°°""**’“°“· The northeast quarter of the northeast uarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the eastqhalf of the northwest quarter, the east half of the southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, being lot four, the west half of the southeast quarter of section fifteen; the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot one, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, lot two, of section twenty-two; the west half of the southeast quarter, the east half of the west half, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot one, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot two, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, being lot three, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, being lot four, of section twenty-seven; the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot one, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot two, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, being lot three, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, being lot four, of section thirty-four, all in township twenty- eight south range ten west, Salt Lake meridian. The northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, being lot three, and the northwest