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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1232

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1214 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sms. III. cus. 180, 181. 1915. southwesg quarter, in sectipn (tipheightyiissix, four hundred and thirty- even an sevent -one one- un t acres. S In township thirty-four south, range two east, Salt Lake meridian: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the southeast <huarter of the southwest quarter; tgp solutheesg qucixrter of the sout west quarter, in section sixteen, t ee im e an twenty acres. In township thirty-four south, range three east, Salt Lake meridian: The nortgigaist quiilrter of the nlortheaslt quarter, thef pprthwest quarter o e nort east quarter the sout east quarter o e southeast quarter, the southwest Sparter of the southeast quarter, the northeast qxarter of the sou west quarter, the northwest quarter of the sout west quarter, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the southwest uarter of the southwest uarter in . . q q I section sixteen, three hundred and twenty acres. flliogetliier fortyjhreedland fi£ty-one one-hundredths acres o oss ue to action con `tion o to north range iiftflentoeast, Salt Lake mgm. h f P Sal ’ L p twenty-t sout , range our west, t ake meridian: The west half and southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-six, three hundred and sixty acres; In township twenty-three south range four west: The southeast quarter section thirty-six, one hundred and sixty acres; In township twenty-three south, range four and one—half west: Section two, six hundred and forty acres; the west half of the southeas:} quartet;9 and thi so:111-tgiaastdquarter of the southeast quarter secionsix none un an twnt ac · ti thn·t“ ° six hundred and forty acres; E y ms, scc on y-Sm, NI£htowi;1shia;;`ttwe;1ty-fcilur south, rang; IOIILE and one-half west: o wes qu ero nort eas uarteran sou east arter f theast quarter section two, eight? acres; qu 0 nor In township twenty-three south, range five west: West half of · northwest quarter an south half of southeastqkiarter section thirty- six, one hundred and sixty acres; together wit thirty-six and nine gnehulnglredths apres of lossscgpeltglgrmtioxéld condition og ttownship ve no range our west the meri `an· a tota. o ort -on hundred} and ninety-eight and thirty-one one-hundredths Zcresi more or ess. §,'$g,,,,u,,q,,,,h_ Promkied, That said patent shall not issue until the State of Utah gg; ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ f¤<¤¤ shall have filed an unconditional relinqubhment of all the lands covered by Utah segregation list numbered two, as well as a proper release of any interest or claim which the State of Utah may have or asgeizt gn or *20 gi; lands offered in exchange for those herem propose e pa n . Approved, March 4, 1915. "*}g€'*,g·,§§‘5- c¤$r;.frs1jl-an act rt mms lands to me reentry or mam my saucautmi

 11868, 0 0 erpurposes.

mm Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 R ntaf the U ited urxbixc mms xt. States e Agnerica in Congress as8embleJfTl‘id)tei?1:henz1ilie: ofiblic llinds ed for coxnnum P mmwmmqu of the emtory of Alaska are surveyed, under direction of the Government of the Um@ States, sections numbered sixteen and thirty- six in each township m said Territory shall be, and the same are Fu g,,m,,m, wb herebg, reserved sale or settlement for the sup rt of common @md watt: u schoo in the Territory of Alaska· and section th1r§-three in each township in the Tanana Valley lbetween parallels sixty-four and