SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ons. 181, 182. 1915. 12].5 sixty-five north latitude and between the one hundred and forty-fifth and the one hundred and fifty-second degrees of west longitude (meridian of Greenwich) shall be, and the same is hereby, reserved from sale or settlement for the support of a Territorial agricultural collelge and school of mines when established b the Legislature of Alas a upon the tract granted in section two ofy this Act: Prmnkied, mum. That where settlement with a view to homestead entry has been ,mI;;g“ *°*°°*‘°¤¤ ¤*· made upon any part of the sections reserved hereb before the survey ' thereof in the field, or where the same may have been sold or otherwise appropriated by or under the authority of any Act of Con ess, or are wanting or fractional in quantity, other lands ma be dlresignated and reserved in lieu thereof in the manner provided b the Act of Congress of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred, and V°l· it P- 791- nmety-one (Twenty-sixth Statutes, page seven undred and ninety- one): Promkled further, That the Territory may, by general law, pro- wlafgdw rm-iww vide for leasing said land in area not to exceed one section to any one ' person, association, or Oc'p§>oration for not longer than ten years at any one time: And pr ed Qt-xrther, That if any of said sections, or *gS*g•g\I}¤¤¤¤~, M any part thereof, shall be of own mmeral character at the date of mm smawn. acceptance of survey thereof, the reservation herein made shall not be e ective or applicable, but the entire proceeds or income derived b the United States from such sections sixteen and thirt -six and such section thirty-three in each township in the Tanana Vahev area hereinbefore described, and the minerals therein, together with the entire proceeds or income derived from said reserved lands, are hereby appropriated and set apart as spiparate and permanent funds in the erritorial treasury, to be investe and the income from which shall be expended only for the exclusive use and benefit of the public schools of Alaska or of the agricultural college and school of mines, respectively, in such manner as the Legislature of Alaska may by law direct. Sec. 2. That section numbered six, in township numbered one % m§;n01l¤¢¢ south of the Fairbanks base line and range numbered one west of °°S“§’€i°¤s,'§S,,v.§Si°t the Fairbanks meridian; section numbered thirty-one, in township °“°°‘· numbered one north of the Fairbanks base line and range numbers one west of the Fairbanks meridian; section numbered one, m township numbered one south of the Fairbanks base line and range numbered two west of the Fairbanks meridian; and section numbered thirty-six, in township numbered one north of the Fairbanks base lme and range numbered two west of the Fairbanks meridian, be, and the same are hereby, granted to the Temtory of Alaska, but with the express condition that the shall be forever reserved and dedicated use as a PY Mm site for an college and school of mmes: Promdal, That y,'§,,,,,,,g,,1,I,,,,,,,_ nothing in this Act shall be held to interfere with or destroy ang legpl claim of any person or corporation to any part of said lands un er_t e homestead or other law for the disposal of the who lands acquired Government W prior to the approval of this Act: romdedfurt , That so much of ,;.,.,1;,,,,; mama; the said land as is now used by the _Government of the United States ¤°°“°” °°°'°*“°°*’· as an agricultural experiment station may continue to be used for such purpose until abandoned for that use by an order of the President of the United States or by Act of Congress. Approved, March 4, 1915. cmir. 1s2.-Aa Act For me muse or homestead eaaymsa mast are reclama- ?hT'$iaiZi?i tion projects of the United States. [public, N,,_ 33L] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe esentatives of the United Reclamation Acc. States of America in Congress assembled, Thht any person who has h,§*;*;*;_‘¥{}f"{,m°;’gf¤g§ made homestead entry under the Act of June seventeenth, nmeteen pngieigkir land not hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes at Large, page three hun- "`R'f.§_3·2,,,_38&
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1233