SIXZl`Y·'.['HIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 184. 1915. 1217 maeter or owner of the vessel and shall keep a cop thereof on file in their office. The said temporary certi1icate_ shall carried and %f"'“°°°'· exposed bi vessels m the same manner as 13 provided_ m section ru-ia 0rty— our undred and twenty-three for the certificate, and the orm thereof and the penod during which it is to be m force shall be as prescribed ply the board of inspectors, or the execut1ve committee ereof, as provided in section forty-four hundred $£&”§'_‘§$'P‘m and five. such temporary certificate, during such period and ¤,St,¤“”'°*¤,,i'§*°'°"°¤¤*¤' prior to the dehvery to the master or owner of the regular certificate, shall take the place of and be a substitute for the regular certificate of inspection, as required bg this section and by section forty-four §j$,'¤•g*$·e¤5"- hundred and twenty-six, an for the purposes of said sections. Such ` temporary certificate shall be su ject revocation in the R_s_ mm P_m manner and under the conditions provided in section forty-four v¤1.és,p.1uzi. hundred and fifty-three. No vessel required to be inspected under N|¤m**¤g¢:bi*,{fi*;·__$¤* the provisions e this title shall be navigated without having on board an_1mexp1re certificate of inspection or such temporary certificate: P , however, That any such vasel operated §,'°,§§{;,,,,,,,_ upon a regularly established hne from a port of the United States to a port of a foreign country not contiguous to the United States Whose certificate of inspection at sea or while said vessel is in a foreign port or a port of the hilgppine Islands or Hawaii may lawfully complete her voyage without e regular certiiieate of inspection_or the temporary certificate y this section, and po liabnhg for pena ties imtposed by this title for want of such certificate _ be mcurred un her voyage shall have been completed: Provided, That said vqyage shall be so completed within thirty days after the T¤¤•¤¤¤*¤i· expiration o said certificate or temporary certificate: Prom21edjip·— ther, That no such vessel whose certificate of insapection shall eiqelire m1;¤tg=%NM;m;•·;· within fifteen days of the date of her sailing sh proceed upon er ` voyage to such gut of a foreign country not contiguous to the United States wi out iixst having procured a new certificate of inspection or the temporaiey certificate required by this section." Sec. 2. That section orty-four hundred and twenty-two of the °""’i“”““*’°'°°" Revisggd Statutes of gis quilted States be, and the same is hereby, amen soastorea as 0 ows: "S1:c. 4422. Upon the atplplication of any master or owner of any ‘“n¤;;,,¤{g, (gp;_••*gj steam vessel cmp eyed in e carriage gfjassengers, for a license to ;•»v¤•a. _ carry gunpowder, e local inslpectors s examine such vessel, and ,,§*,;,°5;§Y°‘°°°*P‘°°‘* if they find that she is provided with a chest or safe composed of metal, or entirely hned and sheathed therewith, or if the vessel has one or more compartments thoroughly lined and sheathed with metal, at a secure distance from any fire, they may grant a certificate to that effect, authorizing such vessel carry as freight such chest, C tm ‘ t N s§fLee,borkc0mpartm_ents, ehe artuge 0 bgixgowgler, whgl-ch certificate 1,,,,,2; °“ ° ° s e e t conspicuous y oste on 0 su vess " Sec. 3. That section fort§)—four hundred and twenty-three of the ,,,,,°‘§L*_"*" °' i“` Rcvis(egdStatutcs of téhe Ignged States be, and the same is hereby, amen s0as'to rea as 0 ows: "Sec. 4423. The original certificate of inspection delivered .t0 the b_°fis*¤¤**j·¤¤*¤¤¤=•¤¤ master or owner of a steam vessel shall be placed by such master or,se¤.44z4,p.asv. owner in a conspicuous place in the vessel w ere it will be most likely ‘“{,°§f§,,_ um to be observed y passengers and others, and kept at all times, framed under glass, as evidence of the authoritg thereby conferred: Provided, however That where it is not practica le to so expose said certificate it shall be carried in the vessel in such maxmer as shall be prescribed by utlhteh regulatioij cetallelisgitecd by thekocoard of supervising ins ectorswi ea rov 0 the retaryo mmercef Sho. 4. That sectidii) forty-four hundred and twenty-four of the R°*1¤"°*¤¤°¤· Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: 91006°-vox. 38—1>·r 1--77
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