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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1234

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1216 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. ons. 182-184. 1915. dred and eighty-eight), for land believed to be susceptible of irrigation which at the time of said entry was withdrawn for any contemplated irrigation project, may relinquish the same. provided that it has since been determined that the land embraced in such entry or all thereof in excess of twenty acres is not or will not be irrigable under the u_g>¤§_*{j,>;¤m¤f fum project, and in lieu thereof may select and make entry for any farm va. ss, p. ms. unit included within such irrigation pr<§ect as finally established, notwithstanding the provisions of section ve of the Act of June twenty- fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An Act to authorize rome. advances to the reclamation fund ," and so forth, and Acts amendatory R°“*°°“°°°'°°"‘ thereof: Provided, That such entrymen shall be given credit on the new eanltry for the time of bona fide residence maintained on the origm entry. Approved, March 4, 1915. . “”°‘*‘» M5- cmir. 183.-An Act cme me consent or congress to the Cleveland Yacht

 Club Company to construct a brildgge across the west ann of Rocky River, Ohio.

Rocky Rim Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United cieveisndysm States o{America am Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress £,,§,‘§‘{ ,,"{"}§,§,§; is here y granted to the Cleveland Yacht Club Company an its F~*v¤*· Obie successors and assigns to construct, maintain, and o erate a bridge and approaches thereto across the west arm of Roclily River Ohio, at a Emt suitable to the interests of navigation, between the city of La wood, Ohio, and the village of Rocky River, Ohio, near the Q,¤g_¤{¤§ mouth of Rocky River, in the county of Cuyahoga, in the State of ' '°' Ohio, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twentg~third, nineteen undred and six.

  • “’°""“°°‘· nc. 2. That the rig t to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1915. ¤"°M*1°15· CHAP. 184.-An Act To amend sections f -four hundred and

 forty-four hundred and twenty-two, forty-four houldydred and twenty-threxlrvllclrgllfbliz

lP“bu°· N°· 333-l hundred and twenty-four, and forty-four hundred and ninety ° t of the Revised Statutes of the United States, section twelve of the Act omy twenty-e' hth, nineteen hundred and eight, relating to certiiicates of inspection of steam vessbis. _ Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ugjfmbmt !¤¤r¤<=· States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-four hundred and twenty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States Cmmcm 0, ,mpw_ be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: ams "Sr·:c._4421. When the inspection of a steam vessel is completed uf,,,_{g§f°·“2*·P*“’· and the inspectors approve the vessel and her e uipment throughout, V¤¤.34.1>-2¤>- they shall make and subscribe a certificate, vllhich certificate shall be verified by the oaths of the inspectors signing it, before the chief officer of the customs of the district or any other exson competent by law to administer oaths. Such certificate shaH be delivered to the master or owner of the vessel to which it relates, and one copy thereof shall be kept on iile in the inspectors’ office and one copy shall be delivered to the collector or other chief officer of the customs of the district m which such inspection has been made, who shall keep the same on file in his office. If the inspectors refuse to grant a certificate of approval they shall make a statement in writing and sign the same giving the reasons for their disapproval. Upon such 1-,,,,,,,, wm inspection and approval themspeetors shall also make and subscribe •¤•- a certificate, which shall set forth substantially the fact of inspection and approval, and shall deliver the same to the