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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/261

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242 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4. 1913. °°°“¤¤€7`i’¤°Yii·*if°° a,§i£%?;..I§1*A“w€r$Z¤°?i”“tneugh““‘ mcummthqmiiKblihdhnc<L?'tlhe0lVosh?enmiFtl;'aI?:tlig1(id {Public, No. 41.1 and Stanislauisnliatioml Forest, and certain lands in the Yosemite National Park the Sttlanialaus National Forest, and the public lands m the State of California, and for 0 B! pulp?. I Be it enacted by the Semw and House of Repreee1»tatv>ves of the United ` i?:¤1i'$?€°s?#.:¤*.}e States of America in Oongrees assembled, That there is hereby granted ,'§¤§g· ?,,'*,;'j°§§*,¤§$,‘§,¥§ to the city and county of San Francisco a mnmicipal corporation in we- the State of California, all necessary rights of way alonifsuch locations and of such width, not to exceed two hundred and ty feet, as in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior may be required for the_ of this Act, in, over, and through the public lands of the Um tates in the counties of _Tuolumne, Stems aus, San J oaqum, and Alameda, in the State of California, and m, over, and through the Yosemite National Park_ and the Stanislaus National Forest, or portil-ii°eQ&§r°i)»f’1%gwiihmI·!i °"m°m-°”é‘da.m‘*°““g “°‘$;§i’§ §2°£’;‘.f£°1;“°d‘}£t{’“‘ s c c es pipes, p1pe_li)1?er; iluines, tuxmels, and cohlluits for conveying water or domestwcpurposes uses_to the city and county of San Francisco and {sigh ottlwrI1m11m1c1p:.ht1e;sSand water districts as, mrtg the consento ec1 coun o anFranc1sco,ormacco ane with the laws of the State of Lyalifornia in force at the time a tion is made may hereafter artici ate in the beneficial uselhli the m"‘*"°P‘““"»"°· rights_and piivileges grantedp by Act; for the purpose of constructing, operating, and l}18.l11l3 power_ and electric giants, poles, ana¢%S(h1;es fpfogenerationfand up! and distnbiéisnign ofd ectric energy; or o cons c o era , - taining telephone an<l> ph lines, antdnldr Elie pmpo;1 oilucadhstructing operatmg, and mamtaming roads, trails, bridges, tramways, railrosds, an bother means of locomotion, transpolrtation, and commumca ion, su as ma e e ess t t - hmm nh tion, mahintena.r;ce,ca.{11d opeirlatiohl §f t1l11eyvg§;·l<Is;I£ghs1llmct?e$l0l>`E);rI't1lie . ¤*¤·¤’* ·grantee erem· oget erwit suc ansint thHtch ll i’°·iil¤x;,?n§i°h Hmy and Lake Elezinor liasin within the Yosemitle Igalzionall Pgrk,aa.iid the Cherry Valley within the Stanislaus National Forest, irres ective of the wi th or extent of said lands, as may be determined Eby the Secretary of the Interior to be actually necessary for surface or P°'•**¤°°•¤¤·•*°· underground reservoirs, diverting and storage dams; together with _ suphalpnds as thefSecretaryhof the Ixétgxiozéhmay determine to be ac u ynecessary or power_ opses an o e stru t b ild-

2 ;:·e:;s::er:e2’;r1edm* *0 **s2r¤Es¢F°`i°i?¥mi°¤#

· ower an and telegraph lines, and such ulhans of locogxotilznil lalnlianspgrtlzitltigino m,°°¤g;;§n¤¤°gmmr:{g and communication as may be established; together with the gpnéicsemaxsus rm- gi tlake, gephofgost, lfiromghe pu£li§_ lands, the Yosemite National way, within such distanuge ag this Seciizzefryuoilatchadllntzrigl Engclltthi Secretary of Agriculture may determine, stone, earth, gravel sand tufa, and other materials o like character actually necessary to bd used in the construction, operation, and repair of its said waterptgwergnd electrugpants, itts smdir telephone and telegraph lines, and 1 sm means o ocomo ion, rt t' , ‘ ‘ °°¤<¤**<>¤=· ·*¢— under such conditions and regu1ati:ii5sPa(s rhsi§»Hbe(ii.xe3<l)IlIi;;I1i11l1gc§\;;2·I;i tary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture, within their Pmmn respective1%_ur1sd1ctions, for the protection o the public lands, the uspmbsmee. ggsgmrithe t atigml l’;;¤rk,h¤8·rl11dHthe Stlanislanés National Forest: Pro- ·t e, a_sa granees_ erm erein t `ded, malpés saoxgngigxéa lioulndfanegi lodation, axlid ezfileiillod? said grblggsgd s y ans or epurposes be tf rth:P

  • PP'°”*°“°°°°°°· further, That the Secretary of the Ililgelrihr gllaslla approve hb

location or change of location in the national forests unless said loca-