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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/262

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 4. 1913. 243 tion or ch e of location shall have been a roved in ° b the Secretaiingggof Agriculture. pp wlimng y Sec. 2. t wit three years after the pass e of this Act said ,,,,°§“§§,,"f,’,_*’° “°° “‘ granteeshall file with the registers of the Unitedagtates land offices, in the districts where said rig ts of way or lands are located a map or

 showing the boundaries, locations, and extent of said, proposed

rig ts of yr? and lands required for the purposes stated in section one of this ct; but no tpermanent construction work shall be com- °' menced on said land un such map or maps shall have been filed as herein rovided and approved by the Secretaiy of the Interior: P I Prmnde5` , lurwever, That any changes of location of any of said rights Glunseé of way or lands may be made by said grantee before the final completion of any of said work permitted in section one hereof by such additional map or ma£s_as may be necessary to show suc changes of location, said ad 'tional map or maps to be filed in the same manner as the original map or maple; but no change of location "m"°"l '°°°°'°°‘ shall become valid unt approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and the a proval by the Secretary of the Interior of said ma or maps showing dlnanges o location of said rights of way or lands shall operate as an abpndopment by the city and coimty eg SanhFra1;cisco to eextento suc changeorchangeso an o ther1g tso wayor mas indicated on the engine mpg; Ana pliwazaajanrm, That my .¤.%*s§§‘,,°°"‘°"*° rights inuring to the grantee under this Act shall, on the app[a>val of the ma or maps referred to herein by the Secretary of the terior, relate lilack to the date of the filing of said map or maps with the register of the United States Land Office as provided herein, or to the A date of the filing of such maps as they may be copies of as provided for herein: And further, That with reference to any map or maps v,$;*°Pm:;_°° ¤' 1** heretofore filed by said city and couniiy of San Francisco or its grantor with any officer of the Department o the Interior or the Department of Agriculture, and approved by said department, the provisions l1ereof will be considered complied with_;>ly the filing by said ggantee of copies of aéné of such map or maps W1 the of the mted States Land ce_as gilrovided for herein, which said map or maps and _ locations shall as in a other cases be subject to the approval of the Scgmting glllilha f h b d shall be E m*",,,,“’,,,,,"',",,’ "“" nc. . atterigtso way erey te not eec·,,,,,,, mm tive over any lands upon which homeste , or other existing br•¤¤· ¤¤·~ valid-claim or claims shall have been filed or made and which now in law constitute prior rights to any claim of the grantee until said grantee shall have pure ased such portion or portions of such homestead, mining, or other existing valid claims as it may require for right-of-way purposes and other ppniiposes herein set forth, and shall have procured proper relinquis ents of such portion or portions of suc claims, or acquired title by due rocess of law and ]ust compensation paid to said entrymen or cla1man` ts, and caused proper evidence of such fact to be filed with the Commissioner of the General Land Omce, and the right of such entrymen or cla1m· ants to sell and of said grantee to purchase such portion or portions of such claims are hereb granted: Promiled, however, That this Act L,,,,"'{,,’§’,§,,,,.,,,,, ,, shall not apply to ang lands embraced in rights of way heretofore ¢*¤v¤¤=¤¤·¤¢:¤-G apgmoved under any ct of Congress for the benefit of any parties ot er than said grantee or its predecessors in interest. _ Sec. 4. That the said grantee shall conform to all regulations ,,§,‘}',,§§‘;,’$',,f‘T_’°F* adopted and prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior goyemmg the Yosemite National Park and by the Secretary of Agriculture overning the Stanislaus National Forest, and shall not take, cut, or Timber r¤s¤k¤¢n•· destro any timber within the Yommite National Park or the_Stamslaus Niitional Forest, ucept such as may be actually necessary m order to construct, repair, and operate its said reservoirs, ams, power plants, water-power and electric works, and other structures above men-