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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/263

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244 SIXTYJIHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cs. 4. ‘1913. tioanegal but} no timbteiri slhall bzcgtbortrileméxcvzedtfmm ganldsloutside of trtowayun esae ye re ot nt' the_ Secretary of Agricultrlilfe, reslpectively; audi; shal16pay61tli)rtl(i; United States the full value of a timber and wood cut, miured, or destroyed on or adjacent to any of the rights of way and ands, as (marred by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agrrg•;{3•ém1,n_ ture: Provrdcd, That no timber shall be cut by the grantee m the Yosemite National Park except from land to be submerged or which constitutes an actual pbstruction to the right or of way or to B¤d8°¤· *°¤°•· •¤¤ any road or trail provided in this Act: Provided fu , That or and '°°d"°q°k°d` inaonsideratgplrglpf the rights sand privileges herelby granted to it the sai grantee construct an maintain in h b ` or other practicable crossings over its riggretg %(fowar; ctheIS(1l§n?i rslaus National Forem as may be prescn in writ' by the Secre- § 3£ri*§“§‘$“&€z¤fs‘?dt£L“%¥'h“°·2’“r¥"Z"H§¤i°%d’§“g ‘h°§£“° °’ A e osenu e a rc ar as ma rescribed in by the Secretary of the Interior; and said grarlitee shall as said waterworks are completed if directed in writing by the Secretary_ of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture construct and mamtam along each side of said right of wa a lawful fence of such character as may be prescribed by the pro r Secretary Bum d 6 with such suitable lanes or crossings as the aforesaidpgmcers shall ,,,,_ °"’· prescribe: And furt7•er, That the said grantee shall clear its rgghts of way wrthm the Yosemite National Park and the Stanislaus atronal Forest and over any Sgzrblic land of an débris or inilammable mum md mm praterrpl as du·2cted by the; clgetaryl of tire llrrxteriorhzpld the Secre- »aryoA.gr1cu1_ urerespecrv ;an sar grantees 't M ¥ad or tr§rl which rt may construct over the_ publ.ic , lh; osenute atronal Park, or- the Stanislaus Natrona] Forest to be freeéy used_by the officrals of the Government and by the public, and sha permit officials of the Government for ofHcial_bus1.uess onl ,

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g;z11£>nt:l Ptagr the Stanislaus National Forzlst, or on6the0?dl]>li<£; __________ M to ggtgtpftgs §§£0‘§..°$»%;Z§°l0Y‘€i1t”§1EZ,§€1$tt$}§§’l$¥”§§5 Msgmymamsta vemmen _ c' : promd' e further, That all mm ‘ , dams, conduits, power plants, water power and electric wo(i·lg, bridges, fences, and other structures not of a temporary character aha! be srghtly apd of suitable exterior design and fimsh so as to a§omi;1iSwr the surrounding landscape and rts use as_a park; 33 mlb to tt’$‘§‘ZfZi2t2}§ *3i°?§t?.‘Z .‘l°"‘g“° °"”" "° ““"“"“°“ ‘°' e or. ,,,§,§Y"°“°“ °’ °“°' gse. 5. That all lands over which the rights of way mentioned in mmm- this Act shall be disposed of only subject to such ease- "°“'“""'°“" X£f.]§i’i§l£°Sttu" b°.?;¥.’€i‘Z.°t?$rd‘1‘g°‘**I§’ HM "°“““°" °* *‘“°*‘ °°“‘ a o in_ the event that the Secretargmolf th; Intenoiogllgullrid grdblmdegrg- Fcnm M mme that there has not been diligent prosecution of the work 0;- of ¤¤ ¤r¤· some integral and essential part thereof or that there has been a cessation of such construction for a period of three consecutive years gggfl he may declare forfeited all rights of the grantee herein as tc; Gmtmpgrt lc; the fpvorgrslpot constructed, and request the Attorney Unit/Gd Sto ws District Ea United States, to commence suit the is th., P a Os of ,,;,0 mizzsztlxztcm °‘h°**L£:m uring eclarmg that partudl, the works not constructed to be forfeited Etldcthe-l.l1iltdd gzgtgrsélatgdcgpggrfgglg gelquest rt shall be the duty of the said_Attor·ney mmenced and prosecuted to a final _]u@ent