SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rns. 19-22. 1914. 773 No. 19. Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to acce t an invitation to M8 2% 191* pahticipatd in the Sixth International Congress of Chambers of Cgmmerce and Com- . [H' R°s' 26*] mercra and Industr1alAssoc1ations. [Pub- mso N¢>· 3rl Resolved by the Semrte and House of Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tliiit the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to acce t an invitation extended b the ,hg‘**°d*¢‘P°**°¤*¤»¤¤· Government of the French Republic to the Govemment of the Uynited ` States to participate by delegates in the Sixth International Congress of Chambers of Commerce and Commercial and Industrial Associations to be held at Paris from the eighth to the tenth of June, nineteen hundred and fourteen: Provided, That no appropriation shall be granted for ezépenses of delegates or for other expenses incurredin connection wi the said conference. Approved, May 28, 1914. [No. 20.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to extend invitations to Iune15,1914. foreign Governments to ;§rticipate, through their accredited diplomatic agents to lS·J·R°°‘· 1*8-] the United States, in the ational Star-Spangled Banner Centennial Celebration. ;pub_Rss_,N°_3z] Resolved by the Senate and House cp' Re esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thrat the President be, and m§“* £ he is hereby, authorized to extend invitations to foreign Governments muon. G to be represented by their accredited di lomatic agents to the United m§§2°iE`v;m° K,°L'{Q States at the National Star-Spangled Bpanner Centennial Celebration ¥’“’°*“· to be held at the city of Baltimore, Maryland, in September of the _ year nineteen hundred and fourteen: Provided, That no arépropriar §[,°§;;é,__ tion shall be granted by the United States for expenses of elegates or for other expenses lI1C\11'I`Gd in connection with said invitation. Approved, June 15, 1914. [No. 21.] Joint Resolution Pr·ovid` ¤ for the rocurement of title to land at l¤¤¤ 2*% 191* Cape Henry, in the State of Virginialfltior works ibm- fortification and coast defense purposes. [Pub.Rss, 0.33.] Resolved by the Senate and House cg Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemb d, hat for procuring title to caps nmy,vs. land at Cape Henry, in the State of Virginia, for works for fortifica— ,,_,{*,f§;Q’,§’,§‘,g‘},‘f,°{§,,,,§,‘{{_ tion and coast defense purposes there is hereby appropriated, out of ¤¢•=i¤¤=¤¤· any money in the Treasury not otherwise atplpropriated, the sum of $31,000, tie same to be immediately availa e and to remain available until expended, to complete the payment of awards in condemnation proceedings prosecuted by the War Department for the acquisition of land at Cape Hem·y, Virginia. Approved, June 23, 1914. i . . oin i n ndino appropriations for the necemary o rations J¤¤° 3°·19U· ofltlig Gqgwierrimedtldnelioblilge Uiittfict ofllloliinliia under certain contingencig; [Pub.Res., No. 34.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Reggresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all appropriations for Appropriation; for the necessary operations of the Government and of the District of §?,f,§,Bd“‘°§f,,°{,?,f gg; Columbia which shall remain unprovided for on the thirtieth day of ¤;¤1f<1fJ¤ofjit£3¢ pw- June, nineteen hundred and fourteen, are continued and made availa·- “;,`;,y§".},, i"` ble for and during the first half of the month of July, nineteen hundred ` and fourteen, uriless the regular appropriations provided therefor in bills now pending in Congress shall have been previously made for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and
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