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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/793

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774 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ras. 22, 24, 25. 1914. fifteen; and a sufficient amount is appropriated, out of any money in the Treas1u·y not otherwise apprppnated, to car? on the same; iwilbyiiirznennte Provided, That no greater amount all be expende for_ such opera- ‘“¤°'m**· tions than as the sum of one twenty-fourth of the appropriations made for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen bears to the whole ,,,§`,§,f,°;_,_{,’§,P,${'§"g,{‘Z of the appropriations of said iiscal pear: Provided further, That cped Hm! ¤PP¤‘°P¤'¤· the total expenditures for the whole of t_ e fiscal year nineteen hundred tm" and fifteen under the several appropriations hereby continued, and under the several appropriation ills now pending, s all not exceed in the aggregate the amounts finally appropriated therefor in the several E‘°°P“°'“· bills now pending, except in cases where a change is made in the annual, monthly or per diem compensation or in the numbers of officers, clerks, or other persons authorized to be employed by the several appropriations hereby continued, in which cases the amounts authorized to be expgpded shall equal one-twenty-fo1u·th of the appropriations for the al ear nineteen hundred and fo1u·teen_, an twenty- three twenty-fourtllls of the appropriations contained m the several bills now pending when the same shall have been finally passed, unless the sal or compensation of any office shall be increased or diminished whhhout changing the grade or the duties thereof, in which case suchfsalartyh or compensagpn slpillédrgiate to the iisrchal yegr and €<>¤s¤¤¤i¤¤·¤¤¤¤i¤¤run rom ebegmn` m`g ereo: rt , atteses- °°°p`°’°°°°°°"°°°d` sion emploiees of the Senate and ouse of Rppsresentatives now authorized y law shall be continued upon the ro until the end of A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ the present semion of Congress and paid at the rate per diem or month at which they are now aid; an a sufficient amount is appro- P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0, printed, out of any mdney in til; Treasury not otherwise appropriated wgwgimmn ,0, to pay the same: Ami also, That the operation of the Interenpr§‘£nmgp°n;rm. state Commerce Commission, m securing a valuation of the several .sv.r· - classes of dproperty of carriers, subject to the Act to regulate commerce, au orlzed y the Act of March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, shall continue, and a sumcient amount is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed the sum of $65 000, for the first half of the month of July, nineteen hundred and fiilteen. Approved, June 30, 1914. !ul!1s,11m. [No. 24.] A Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to accept an invitation __rs. 1. ns. 105-1 to pmicipnte in the Sixth International Dental Congress. Pub. Res., No. 35. I _ I Resolved by the and Home of Rrfpreaentatives of the United u{g,= Dm States of America an Congress aoseyrtbled, _ at the President be, and Representation nt, is hereliy, authorized to accept an invitation extended by the Govern- ‘“"’°"'°‘ ment o Great Britain to that of the United States to be represented by delegates in the Sixth International Dental Congress, to be held at Lon on, August third to eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and is authorized to appoint fifteen delegates to such Congress:

 Provided, That no appropriation shall be granted at any time for

expenses of delegates or for other expenses incurred in connection with said Congress. ' Approved, July 1:;, 1914. Wi 16, WM o. 25. Joint Resolution To continue the rovisi { ‘ '

 Juli; anmletn, nineteen nnndred and rpnrteeiij entit·l:.dq‘.?<3il;x1|l1l;gl)1l]1litdi)i¤e¥’tl; 

rru¤.1ze¤., nn. ae.; %p)purpIpl?:t;p1x:ls€§o;epht:i;1 ppper:£aom of the Government and oi the District Emmhm at · Rwolved by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United E;·;1>$g>g¤,¢¤r¤¤g of Aqwnkza in 6'vngregs assemli/led, That the procisions of a sap., " joint resolution entitled "Jo1nt resolution extending appropriations