SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Bus. 42-44. 1914. 779 Washington, District of Columbia.: Provided, That the 1‘8lS· and *"°'*·¥°,·, lowering of said flag shall be done without expense to the Unitedmgtates luiliwiv. of ms Government. A Approved, September 15, 1914. [No. 43.] Joint Resolution Instructintg American delegate to the International september 10, 1014. Institute of Agriculture to present to e §errnsnent committee for action at the [H· IRM- 311.] general amemb y in nineteen hundred and teen certain resolutions. Epub, Reg, xm my Resolved by the Senate and House kcéf Igprecentatives of the United States of America in Congress aseemb , at in accordance with the 1¤t·;g_¤g,¤c¤;11¤lt¤{_°¤¤v1· authority of letter (f) of article nine of the treapy establishing the tuizzomom to 'se institute, whiclifprovides that it shall "submit to e approval of the ”“{’;';‘,}f*,§’§:’P'f’i,,,_ Governments, ’ there be need, measures for the protection of the common interests of farmers," the American delegate to the International Institute of Agriculture is hereb instructed to present (during the nineteen hxmdred and fourteen fall sessions) to the permanent committee the following resolutions, to the end that they mady be submitted for action at the general assembly in nineteen hnmdre and fifteen, so as to permit the roposed conference to be held in Rome during the fortnight precedling the session of the general assembly of the institute in nineteen hundred and seventeen: “RESOLUTIONS. "The general assembly instructs the International Institute of m§*{g*Y*¤¢ 1*** ·* Agriculture to invite the adhering governments to partic¥l>ate in an cguaéreumnvme. intemational conference on the subject of steadying the world’s price of the staples. _ _ "This conference shall consist of members appointed by each of ch§g*g“"'§}’gg°*:;{g the governments adhering to the institute, an is to consider the oem mxgm 'mes. advisability of formulatirag a convention for the establishment of a permanent International ommerce Commission on Merchant Marine and on Ocean Freight Rates with consultative, deliberative, and advisoig powers. " Sai conference to be held in Rome during the fortnight preceding _¤’j§:°°*“¤ °' °°'·'¤‘· the session of the general assembly of the institute in nineteen ` hundred and seventeen." Approved, September 19, 1914. 44. Join lutien Authoriz` the President to design' te two 05cen B6 *·°¤b°' 2%*91*- coixlqnleilctedlwith tliegfiisllilic Health Servidialg to represent the United totes at the Sixth International Sanitary Conference of American States to be held at Montevideo, [rub. Ben-. No. 51.1 Urugua& in December, nineteen hundred and foiuteen, and making an appropriation to pay e expenses of said representatives, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rrfgresentatives oaf the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the President be, and ¤{;_¤¤g°¤•;,g°_g¤c; S•*¤*· he is hereby, authorized to appoint or designate two officers of the Appropmuouiorex- United States connected with tlhe Public Health Service to represent {’f,'§,’§*{_°‘ '°"°""“°”` the United States in the Sixth International Sanitary Conference of American States to be held at the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, in December, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and to pay the necessa? expenses of said representatives in attending said conference, inclu - ing the expenses of assembling the necessary data and of the preparation of a report, the sum of $2,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate . Approved, September 23, 1914.
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