778 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rus. 39, 40, 42. 1914. Ssétembcr 10._1914· [No, 39.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to accept an invitation to · J· R°“· M'] participate in an International Exposition of Sea Fishery Industries. mm. nes, N0. 47.; Resolved by the_Senate and House of Representatives eyf the United ,,,§,g;§g§*°'*°{,°,,Sf° States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and is “£n¤¤i¤ip¤iil?•i,¤s’i¤.¤¤- hereby, authorized to accept an invitation extended by the Govern- “°‘ ment of France to that of the United States to be represented by a delegate at an International Exposition of Sea Fisheries, to be held P at Boulogne-sur·Mer, June fifteenth to October first, nineteen hundred N£°$i°§s¤».. and fourteen: Provided, That no appropriation shall be granted at any time for expenses of delegates or for other expenses mcurred in connection wrth said Congress. Approved, September 10, 1914. i’&"i'?"¤i’·=ii¤i·i4_ g.£¥i1.g"$Jt0i°m‘”’mB°”a.%ssi¤”t°$0p%£'Ifd’§1‘§L`3?§‘§I'€Y“£§d¥££§’%.“°.rpsss."“?°°“” [Pub. Res., No. 48.] Resolved by the and House of Ragresentatives of the United _§;';;g$:,8';,°:§**‘$ States rj Ammca in Congress assembled, at to enable the United
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- ¤wm%g¤`§¤;*;=;_¢g States to fulfill the obligations devolving upon it in connection with or
umm;. growing out of its representation of the interests of foreign Govern-
"'**’· P· *m ments and their nationals, and to extend temporary assistance to other Governments and their nationals, rnade necessary liy hostilities in Europe and elsewhere, by transfe ¤ or advancing unds for di 10- . r umm . . P matic and consular expenses and {or the care or benefit of citizens or subllects of foreign nations, there is approfrrated, out of any money rn the not otherwise appropriate , the sum of $1,000,000, to be available during the Hscal year mnetecn hundred and fifteen, and to be disbursed under the direction and rn the discretion of the Secre- 5;•é¤;?·;P_ymem_ tary of State: Provided, That payments made by foreign Governments D ti of mm or their crtrzens or subjects shal1_be credited to this approprérration and ,,m,‘¥,E,°,§*,,,'§,,,_ be available for the purgpose herein specified: Provide gurl , That all sums received by the Lmted States rn final reimbursement of amounts paid by rt out of the $1,000,000 herein approgriated shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as "mrsce aneous rece1pt.s." n¤pm,.¤».. wom- The Secretary of State shall submit to Congress at the next session, ”‘“‘ or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, a rl:-port of the amount repaid to the United States, with such further ormation u_pon the su ject as may be, rn hrs judgment, consistent with the public mterost. Approved, September 11, 1914. be¢l5,1914. [N.42. I`tResol Ath °° thS W {umm'!. '
;°°·1;;1·;n State; gardisonoldlag to wiiiigrlir BilC gC8r$1p°1$l:1;?brZr:€i Talilirtgy, Sons o(iul?e
’ Resolved by the_Senate and House of Representatives of the United ¤;_g¢3¤¢¤{]r;1<;i)¤:_¤¤[;>£¤:._ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be. cm. °' and he rs hereby, authorized and directed to furnish to the Oom- 1r§rrsgror§rs 05 the rg Oolumbrgo for t}h% use of tl}; Willian; . using amp um y nso terans Maryland, and refprnish whenever he shall design it neces;1‘s?:;·(?no1i)e United States garrison flag, for the purpose of being displayed from one of the three flagstalis on the plaza in front of the Union Station,